Donald Combs

Beattyville, KY, United States

Aug 31 at 04:31 AM

Can't wait until it comes out

Aug 27 at 10:03 AM

I would have so many questions. But first I would thank Ray for what he has done and what he is doing for the betterment of humanity. My question would be is there a quick way to get yourself to the highest place you can go? What I mean by that is there a quick way to open third eye and also to keep moving yourself up to higher dimension or able to be in higher dimensions?


Aug 25 at 06:14 AM

I wish he would continue running and had a chance, I am not sure he will be able to do much in a Trump regime

Aug 23 at 10:46 AM

Scorpio 11/08


Aug 09 at 06:59 PM

You can find Rays of Light the book at

It's just the parts Ray as allowed them to publish up to this point.


Aug 08 at 08:02 PM

Thanks Ray for doing this. Can't wait to hear the othe topics. Also can't wait to get more of the Rays of Light. Very interesting discussion.


Aug 06 at 07:42 AM

Can't wait


Aug 06 at 07:28 AM

I voted but to me this stuff isn't supernatural it's normal. Or it's what normal should be. Love all the programming.


Aug 04 at 05:44 AM

Is there any one meditation Ray himself would recommend to help us learn more about our own past lives?


Jul 31 at 08:33 PM

I would love for you to ask him when he is going to let us have some more chapters of Rays of Light. I love the lessons you can learn just by reading it. I would also like for Jason to ask him something that he would like to know that Ray hasn't explained to him before or something he really wants to know more about.