Miriam Silver

Spring Hill, FL, United States

Jun 12 at 08:35 AM

Thank you, Bella. I'm taking a look at Helena's videos and work.

Jun 12 at 08:35 AM

Hi Lisa, do you have a website I can look at? I do agree that people are showing that inner shadow of themselves more than ever, and all they have to be is triggered by an innocent bystander.

I recognize that all healing energy does come from divine source and, since it is energy, can be done anywhere at anytime. I would like to know more about your work.



Jun 09 at 02:02 PM

I'm hoping that this community will be able to help me. I am experiencing that "2 world split" that many are talking about nowadays. I moved from NY 2 years ago to live in Spring Hill, Florida and finding that I am attracting people from my current community who are harassing and attacking me over ridiculous things without even knowing who I am. I need to find a better and more affordable place to live, and some people have mentioned Miami or Ft. Lauderdale. Does anyone have any recommendations or perhaps groups who could give me a way to figure out my next move? And what about these tiny homes? 



Jun 08 at 12:38 PM


17 min. into the video above, a Dr. Martin at the 2023 Covid Summit in Belgium brings a clearer picture as to how that virus came to be. I posted this video on Facebook just to see whether the political climate had changed, but surprise, surprise - Nothing has changed. It took a couple of weeks but they sicked the Fact Checker Police on me reprimanding me for posting false information. So I place it up here where critical thinking is honored. Dr. Martin gives some amazing historical information about this pathogen and the "vaccine" that was actually created in 1991 but failed to be effective even back then. Surprise, surprise.

Commented on Ambivert

May 29 at 12:46 PM

I would say that I also fall into that category. There are times I just need some social interaction and camaraderie; and other times to have my own space to experience unencumbered energy.

Thank you. I look forward in connecting as well to a new network of people. We are all starting a new journey.



May 28 at 01:24 PM

I produce a podcast called RevUP & Awaken. A new episode has been completed - a part 1 interview with Seph Dietlin - angel channel, Energy Healer, Certified Hypnotherapist, and Human Potential Activator. Many more episodes can be found on MiriamASilver.com. https://youtu.be/vpn9eXB0Zoc


David Wilcock, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Drunvallo, Janine Morigeau - she has a unique perspective with her tarot readings, Seph Dietlin - angel channel. I'm sure there is more. 
