Miriam Silver

Spring Hill, FL, United States

Feb 20 at 11:12 AM

Very engrossing interviews. Little bit of a mixup with the red pill vs. blue pill at the end. The red pill is the one that brings deeper awareness, not the blue pill. 


Jan 24 at 07:53 AM

I'm in Florida. Used to live in New York.


Nov 02 at 01:17 PM

The Bible was written by Man and therefore is not concretized. I recognize that we are all expanding and shifting because of the events occurring. However, I don't agree that this has to come to pass just because people are devoted to a book that has been rewritten by many from the past and removing concepts that would have expanded consciousness.

Oct 15 at 08:28 AM

I just watched the video. It touches upon all the aspects   my friend and I have been envisioning. We've got the intention but now we need to know how to build it so that everyone involved has an affordable place to live and the support and cooperation is part of the everyday experience while building the outer structure of it all.


Oct 15 at 08:20 AM

thank you. I'll take a look at it.

Oct 02 at 05:00 PM

That's what I've been saying!


Sep 29 at 08:04 AM

I was always suspicious of the food from these chains and why so many people flocked to these restaurants, loading their kids on the stuff. A meal is just as easy to make at home in your own kitchens. Though we still can't be sure what we're getting in the meat section in the supermarkets. 


Renee Hardin I agree. 

I would like to use art as a way for young ones to connect with their higher self so that they don't get lost in the illusions and false narratives of this world. I currently have a podcast that I feel the need to revamp and include various methods that can be used to encourage and open young and adult alike. It's going to be especially important with the new world that we're building. Let me know if you would like to discuss.


What medium do you use to create them?
