
Aug 10 at 03:48 AM

I am relearning, when it comes to religion, it has been an epiphany. Religion is a poor excuse use to control the masses and to justify injustice. There is good information on religious books to certain degree due to the fact that religious authorities have deleted and modified the text to suit their selfish intentions, so you have to read it with a different lense. Instead of being shaped or defined by religion, I’m focusing more in Spirituality. Again, there is so much knowledge that have been kept hidden from us and now that has finally come out to the light, it’s mind blowing. I feel like a kid in a toy store…lol

There is a deep feeling of wonder and relentlessly searching and researching knowledge. There is so much to learn about the universe and it’s law as well, and I’m eager to do it. Thanks once more for stopping by and providing me with your guidance 🤔🙏


Aug 10 at 03:29 AM

You are correct, I should focus in positives in order to attract and manifest higher positive vibration in my life instead of fear. There is a wealth of unknown knowledge that I am relatively recently tapping into, but it has started to lift the veil in many aspects. It is not easy to break free of the brainwash from religion and the media, but I know it is not impossible, the main base of our insecurities come from fear, the fear we have been subjected to through the psychopath narrative; regardless, I have to keep pushing for awareness. I will research and study more about matrix and how to master it, again, baby steps. Thanks for your kind insight, truly appreciate it 🙏


Aug 07 at 03:02 AM

I suggest that you should include an optional photo verification because unfortunately, there are the so called love scammers preying on females here. Whoever choose to get verified, it should have like a small colored shield as an example, that indicates that they are the person on the pics and not catfish 🧐😒


Aug 07 at 02:55 AM

I watched all the disclosure series with Ray and one message across is that the ETs are benevolent beings and that the Reptilians are more like humans with shape shifter abilities, that they are not good and that they are not galactic but from earth 🌏 . On Part 4th of Galactic Messages series with Sam the Illusionist, he channels the RA Confederation that are part of the Galactic Federation who have communication with ourGalactic Force, they even have like an exchange program with us earthlings in which selected humans can go and visit other galactic civilizations. They do respect Universal Law, and our free will. On this episode, there was a question regarding if there are evil ETs. They said that there are negatives ETs and they mentioned Draconians and Orion. They enter our planet with the purpose of genetic material collection and to study our bodies, they are selfish. If the Draconians are the same as the reptilians that Ray spoke about; then, they are from out of space and not humans with supernatural abilities, but real out of space evil entities. I know that the psychopaths are trying to deploy operation blue bean light to simulate evil ETs attacking us in order to justify mass murder and get rid of what they consider low category of the human beings and to finally get their world domination, I wonder if these psychopaths grew up watching “Pinky & The Brain cartoon series” and got the inspiration…🤔 Anyways, my point is, if what the RA Confederation says is true, then there are evil ETs out there…not all is Kumbaya. Hollywood has planted seed of fear toward galactic beings because they have showcased over and over again throughout the years: abduction, experimentation, even us as their diner and let’s not forget the invasion of earth to suck up all the natural resources, well at this point what is left to pillage because we are doing a darn great job at destroying our own planet like a locust or a virus 🦠😒. In my heart I truly believe that there are good ETs who want to guide us to our transition to the 4D stage , the Era of love, awareness and oneness, the collective consciousness, but I just do not want to be blind sided to the possible truth that there are evil galactic beings as well. I truly seek your answer to my query, I need the light on this topic. I am logically aware that galactic beings are so far advanced that if they truly wanted, they can take our planet 🌎 in less than a week, wipe us out, enslave us, do whatever they want essentially, and maybe there are good ETs protecting us like the galactic federation, but if there are evil ETs out there, then, it’s still a possibility. If the Draconians who according to the RA confederation are Evil galactic beings and they are the same as Ray call “Reptilians” and on top of that have an alliance with the Psychopaths, it’s truly concerning 🧐.