Rebecca Duesterbeck

Madison, WI, United States

Retired Stormtrooper/Insurance

Jul 05 at 06:43 PM

It's brand new, people are starting to join.  The owner, that I am friends with will be going on tour with it all soon.  


Apr 08 at 07:07 PM


Mar 27 at 01:01 PM

Interesting on the holding the breath and diving under water for hours.  I watched this sci fi movie called The Abyss, where they ingested this liquid and it was reminicent of being in 'the womb' and they didn't die and were able to hold their breath?  be under water indefinantly???  Here's a link

Feb 25 at 03:03 PM

messing with and denying that the CREATOR does things perfectly, and it must be changed?  It's all part of trying to do away with humanity


Feb 12 at 01:00 PM

yeah good.  I'm originally from Tx. but have been up here for 15 yrs. now.  I'm actually in Richland Center.


Feb 01 at 04:49 PM

yes good questions

Feb 01 at 04:19 PM

yeah, I understand.  I'm all for holistic treatments and no pharma.  Ivermectin is good.

Jan 23 at 11:18 AM

Good thinking...