Taygeta Nguyen

Apr 22 at 06:58 PM

Secret society indoxtrinstions have gotten you deep huh ?

Apr 22 at 06:57 PM

Taylor GosheaCollins because that’s what you believe and therefore it will become what you see


Apr 22 at 06:55 PM

victor Gibson You got caught up in a control system designed by secret societies, called religion


Apr 22 at 06:54 PM

Annmarie lord and savior created by Roman emperor Titus. Nice. Keep trusting white Jesus


Apr 22 at 06:53 PM

kerryann gunning TLS resonates pretty strongly with swaruu dot org which is pretty much the de facto disclosure to date

Mar 29 at 04:40 PM

Lynn Valentino She’s a charlatan the same way she said the vaccines were safe in a deleted video , jackass

Mar 29 at 04:38 PM

♥︎999♥︎ flat earth is not real you psychon

Mar 21 at 12:14 AM

They already said what’s good about those.

-Flat earth is a Vatican cia psyop,

-behind the ice wall is continent larger or about the size of Great Britain that leads into inner cavities of earth

-mermaids are real , other ETS/humanoids live here. Nosferatu looking vampires , advanced black eyed adults live in caves in national parks

-Agartha, the Vulcans , see swaruu dot org for in depth answer

- hidden cities in Antartica once again go to swaruu dot org


Mar 21 at 12:11 AM

Ah, so we are f*cked ? Chaos is coming ?

Feb 15 at 12:44 PM

Swaruu (9): The Old Testament is the history of Atlantis. You must learn how to read it as it's coded. It reads like a fairy tale for the non-initiated, but it takes a new meaning for those who know what to look for. For example, each time you encounter a name in the Old Testament, think more of a race of people, and not about an individual. So, Adam and Eve are not people but a race of people. Think of it that way and it takes a new meaning!