Taygeta Nguyen

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 01:31 PM

Karistus needs to do something. Federation needs to do something. Urmah. Taygeta.

Nov 13 at 12:31 AM

Mongolians are descendants of Tartaria

Oct 15 at 03:33 PM

I believe one of the codes of the pyramid code is the same code used to write the Bible. Whenever you see a person named in the Bible think of it as a group or race of people instead of a specific person.

Oct 15 at 03:32 PM

I believe one of the codes of the pyramid code is the same code used to write the Bible. Whenever you see a person named in the Bible think of it as a group or race of people instead of a specific person.


Cross checking data from swaruu dot org lead to this

I believe one of the codes of the pyramid code is the same code used to write the Bible. Whenever you see a person named in the Bible think of it as a group or race of people instead of a specific person.


Ray gonna hate me for this if this is correct , but it probably is
