Milan Jus

Feb 03 at 07:41 AM

Nathaniel @ now leg I didn’t now that I possess but after that there master was trying to take me over to there side but never ever in this life or next. I just want to bring them all into the light because this is dirty people

Feb 03 at 07:37 AM

6monthes before I was starting to awake or I have been awake all my life pain in the as in school but good degrees, but the teachers hated me. I broke my leag in 33pices and my bak on 2places then I was introduced to morfin and benzo diaseiezes like example Xanax same weed it’s numing me so when I do jobbs or are in balance with my sealf then magic ✨ is coming from me.

After I find UNIFYD Tv and Jason, Ray and more people I start to understand that iam not crazy 🤪 ok.

So I dicedided to not nume my self any more not even alcohol because if I enter a room I feel the energy from every single person.

My gut feeling is never wrong have paid 6years of my life because I didn’t listen to my stomach. Yes this is psychopaths that is attacking my from every angle and iam sensitive to this thing ones they tryid to fool me to say yes ( free will) I think that they need me to accept before they can do something to me like take my life or whatever they plan but it’s like I have a other brain whit

Jan 30 at 04:11 AM

K Stuart do you have any advice?

Jan 30 at 04:11 AM

@ k Stuart gang staking in did but it’s draining me.

I’m not rude now but I now what this is and I have seen 2pepole go to mentally health care for 2w and 1month this has been going on for 9monthes whit me and I don’t need a label 🏷️ on it ,I need education and advice how to deal with them because otherwise I will end up in prison

Jan 29 at 06:32 AM

K Stuart exactly what I’m dealing with and they worshiping Lucifer and trying to fool me that Grandmaster Peter is in the Illuminati and so on I have hacked them back and I wach them painting their eys in purple colour and talking to someone from England that is there Techer, I don’t like to talk bad about people but this guy looks that he have cancer , HiV and no teeth disgusting 🤮 man If I could take him I would demolished him.

I was just helping a friend they attacked so he whent crayzi and this guy is a good man never ever harmed someone in his life that’s why I interfered in this situation

Jan 29 at 06:25 AM

Akhi Thanks for your edvice and I missed to write for a example whit the trust Love and Respect to you!


Jan 28 at 05:03 AM

Akhi BlackMagic it’s about that ok


Jan 28 at 05:01 AM

Long story/ short version ok Akhi I will write slowly and now iam sitting by my self now just read my letters and words slowly pls IAM finish in body and soul because of this people they are making me so much problems.

It’s a grupp of Satanic religion okay boys , girls and men and women’s it’s a big group they now how to hack things like phones and computers 💻 you name it!

And they and they are attacking me spiritually and trying to give me bad luck 🍀 ok are you whit me?

Even my girl are saying what is happening to you?

you could do everything even the impossible and make it!

But now everything is going wrong and cards ,lons, accidents is happening one after another you name it!

It’s a battle every day so energy consuming so iam drained.

Before I trusted everyone and gave everyone 1 chances but now I don’t trust no one not even you right now sorry 😔 for that ok and you ask me to write in my own language I speak 4 languages and I don’t want to reveal my sealf.❤️💯

Jan 27 at 05:43 PM

I was sarcastic sorry so frustrating whit just to try to help a friend and no iam the target 🎯

Jan 27 at 05:40 PM

@Jason Shurka they are monitoring me and have isolated me from everything and everybody pls guide me what to do things are falling to places for me that’s way I don’t want to give all info here and now I have ip adresses lot of things but this is in spirit to.

I desingner ask me if she could buy my pictures and offert me money I said yes, later 2vecks after she said not dose pictures and I was confused. At same time she said you don’t understand how this works do you!!!

Because that was after agent 666 contacted me and said my master wants to talk to you, he wanted me to call him father I played along for 2 calls but when he told me iam not like you and show me respect i allredy locketed him to England to Satanic church and more….

I told him to suck my d…ck ok but I will wait if someone that is verified from some one I trust I will take guidance if not iam going to …the one how started this.