Milan Jus

Jan 27 at 04:37 PM


Jan 27 at 04:33 PM

@jason Iam talking about a hole grupp of people in EU and the Stats that is worshipping erets no one cares and TLS does not care about this psychopaths ???

Or other people no I want money and a spokes man from TLS ajde bre no soldiers here just dreamers

Jan 27 at 05:30 AM

Travis Alexander were did you download it from UNIFYD or YouTube I like the text that’s why iam asking you!


Jan 27 at 05:16 AM

Sorry to asking about this thing but I need help and do not now we’re to turn to!???
I make the story short here but if the right person can help me I will get you all diteils ok
A friend of mine was gone and I started to look for him, but a old ex to him called me just 2weeks before and said/we call him S ok,
The only person to trust is M/ me ok. But I was in stress and when she called me I was thinking she is drunk or on drugs so I just blocked here.
But when my own stress started and my situations to calm down I started to reflect about the call and about my childhood friend S.
He just get released from the hospital for crazy people think in English it’s called lunatic or Psychotic Mental Health care whatever. I whent to him and took him to my place, this guy is not agressive or a bad man. And he told me that he met a girl in the beginning of summer 2023, I will make it short but need to explain. At my house he told me the story and she is a witch 🧙‍♀️ and he showed me pictures movies of here and everything so I started to believe him. And he was hacked his phone computer and brain I helped him with everything fysikal ok. Now they are attacking my if you here me not she only they it’s lot of them and I don’t now what to do pls help!!! The person or personas that helps me you will get all information and movies , pictures and evidence that iam not crazy. This is totally new to me and I don’t now were to turn because, I don’t want people to think iam crazy pls help
I now knowledge is power but they are some steps in front of me and iam some times one man army but not here this is a new chapter in my life ❤️🤷🏻‍♂️🥹


Nov 27 at 08:03 PM


Nov 26 at 07:14 AM


Nov 26 at 07:13 AM

Sorry no disrespect but she is a little bit stupid he tells her that he was breift about this from Ray and they plan to blow tunnels up Right?

How can that being to see the future it’s a conscvens of the action. My I should be a reporter😂🤯

Nov 12 at 03:39 PM

Way can’t I watch the video

Karma Walker you say you now black magic 🪄 way do you need technology then???

Nov 12 at 03:17 PM
