Stephanie Weidman

Jan 17 at 06:30 AM

Jan 17 at 03:11 AM

David Solomon UNIFYD World

Jan 17 at 03:11 AM

Jan 17 at 12:41 AM

I tried this... The first time... I felt as if I was going to die. I had palpations, I was filled with fear. I researched this may be ego death? I've been to this point a few times before. I think I've unconsciously been passed this point as well. I want to become aware, have these experiences but want to know I'm doing so correctly, and safely. I'm assuming I have some amount of healing to be done before continuing past this point and after that is accomplished it may not feel as "daunting" per say... I don't know. All I know is I'm on this path towards these experiences and I need direction.

Jan 17 at 12:28 AM

999 I would think removing the soul trap is on ourselves individually... Creating awareness may be the only way for us to save ourselves. Only awareness of what is to come, what to go towards or away from is all we can focus on. Can you educate us on this aspect?


Can you create demonstration templates for us? A foundation of collected indisputable proof ( documents etc...) in order to gather collective protestestors. Foundations for a protest for the conscious collective? UNIFYD World

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 10:22 PM

David Solomon UNIFYD World

Jan 11 at 10:13 AM

This is interesting, I'd like to know if Jason can asj ray about this? UNIFYD World

Jan 10 at 07:51 PM

How do you create the invisible barrier