Jodie ann daye

Apr 07 at 01:52 AM


Wow guys stop being typing warriors

No egos allowed here

Just loveeee


Mar 29 at 09:41 PM

Dallas Majors aww thsnku yes I am jodiann hughes

Mar 29 at 09:40 PM

Shahir Theodora

Feb 22 at 11:21 PM


Feb 18 at 04:06 AM

Ryan williams Donald combs just told everyone it's free on Jason website


Jan 14 at 08:31 PM

Awwww thanku so much for your kind words... I'll definitely look into that

I do alot of guided meditations

I just recently took a lash extension course I see everyone else caken it and I'm struggling just to get one client so I think that's were my focus is gonna be

I know if I can get this up and going then I can stop focusing on financial and focus on what's really important my spirtual growth

I've never in my life been so excited about something the way I am about my spiritual path I'm suppose to embark on .

Being a single mom isnt easy we tend to forget about ourselves and forget about this whole beautiful person that's underneath the mom title

I've lost so much of myself along the way

I'm just looking forward to Learning and seeing who jodie really is ...

Lots of love thanku to notice

Jan 14 at 05:12 PM

I too would love to be apart of this but unfortunately it's clearly not my time

500 to some people is a nights meal to others half there rent

Or to me How much I owe on my hydro lol

Hopefully in the near future my financial situation takes a turn cause I'm dieing to be a part of any knowledge unyfied is offering.

For now I continue to sign up for any free events I can find

As I continue to crave for spiritual knowledge

Jan 11 at 03:49 PM

I wish rays of light was in audio..

I've been reading it 4days I can't put it down

Commented on Saving The Children

Jan 03 at 01:28 PM

I want to thank Paul for all his brilliant 👏 work.

Caroline for all th love and healing you 💕 spread

You guys are truly amazing humans

Paul I love your amulet on your kneck it's special I know I've seen it b4
