Sarah Hamel

Jul 28 at 01:38 PM

Abdul Akeb Anvari I agree, we are a part of god, but not God. Most of us arent awaken, never mind fully awaken to our full potentials. I don’t believe we will ever be able to do what God can do.

I always wonder what god is, is god energy, pure light vibration love energy, a being, maybe something out of the box like an alien being or creature looking thing. Who knows! It’s fun to think about. No theory is right, no theory is wrong which is nice. I personally lean more toward the energy love vibration theory. 🧐✨what are your thoughts? 😀


Replied on Energy system

Jul 28 at 01:24 PM

Heather Hurley I agree with all your points. That’s wonderful that his centre is getting busier!! 🥰 success should be celebrated! 🥳😀we all need to support each other, even if it’s in small ways. Imagine if everyone in the world thought like that. What a beautiful wholesome place it would be 🥰


Replied on Energy system

Jul 28 at 01:20 PM

Laura Hatfield most of us wouldn’t be able to afford that right now 👀🙁 that’s way too much, I’m shocked by that amount, and it disappoints me.

Replied on Energy system

Jul 28 at 11:28 AM

Laura Hatfield I’m glad there is a healing system in Indianapolis for you!! Happy healing 🙏🏼😊✨💝

Replied on Energy system

Jul 28 at 11:26 AM

Laura Hatfield ahhh that’s too bad they do that. Hmm and then they make it so you can only charge a certain amount per session as well. So make sense that not everyone that buys the EE System are able to afford to be part of the Unifyed Healing network. Those things are expensive!

Jul 28 at 11:23 AM

I agree with you on that. Blessings you each of us 🥰 we are all connected. All one in the same but separate/individual. I believe we all have a piece of god inside us, part of our souls


Commented on Energy system

Jul 28 at 11:07 AM

Search “Unifyd Healing” and scroll through the list of centres.

Jul 27 at 10:36 AM

It’s my pleasure.

Hmm what a wonderful photo you shared 😊☺️


Jul 26 at 10:28 PM

Goodnight and sweet dreams to all my fellow Ontario peers. You are freaking amazing! Sending love and hugs your way 😊


Jul 26 at 05:59 PM

Something for you to remind yourself of. 💝

I am
I am worthy
I am brave
I am strong
I am courageous
I am loved
I am love
I am financially stable
I am healthy
I am gorgeous
I am grateful
I am organized
I am at peace
I am conscious
I am here in the present moment.

Take a deep breath in slowly through your nose and fill your stomach with air. Hold for a moment. Then breath out through your nose slowly.