Tamie Doty

Apr 19 at 05:16 PM

I use self hypnosis and I go to the first memory I have of an emotion that is ruling me and I go sit with the incident and listen to that younger part of me talk and I watch what emotions she is going through and what is going on with her.. If I can help, I try to show her where the errors are wether it’s her perception or other peoples actions or both. I do this with love. I know the story is healed when that part of me disappears into who I am now.


Mar 21 at 06:35 PM

Ray is the reason I joined unifyd tv. I wish there was more of him. He helped me today to understand some of the choices I made in my life. Thank you. By the way, a side not… I dreamed South America still has at least one pyramid pissibly more. The mountains were built around it/them to hide its/their locations. After a few generation the people only saw a mountain to clime and grow vegetation on. These pyramids were built with complete love, peace, harmony, sequintal movement, joy, whistling, vocal sound and laughter… nothing was made incorrectly every single person had a purpose and job that brought them immense joy.

Error in typing sorry “The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”

Central banks (Rothschild own 95% of all central banks) loan both sides in a war money to purchase weapons etc. When war is over money must be paid back. Lots of destruction after a war. More loans to rebuild. When helping in a war negotiation also help these elitists globalists make more money. This is a very simple way to explain. But they make money in many more ways during a war. The Rothschild family are worth over five hundred trillion dollars… there are a few other families that are worth trillions as well. War is the most lucrative way to make money. A realky goid book to read by John Perkins is @the New Cinfessions of an Economic Hit Man”. It’s easier to understand RAY after reading this book. Everything ultimately is about central banking … they really run the world…

A really good book that can help people understand what’s going on look up the latest version by John Perkins, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man… explains so much.

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 18 at 02:53 PM

Sorry about typos but it still reads

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 18 at 02:51 PM

I have. My husband came home from Istanbul and with him he brought Covid. I’d just watched this and had irdered through Amazon the brand this guy talks about. It took two days if Covid, fevers chills nausea ears ringing massive head ache throwing up dizzy sore throat ear ache. It got two me two days in I put the 4milugram patch in and within four hours I was feeling a difference. I took for eight days and each day way way way better. Today I feel a little congestion in my head but everything else is gone … I talked to my dictir today about this. Dr. Williams Seeds (you can find him on YouTube he wears a bow tie) says the guy is right. He hadn’t thought of it for Covid but uses nicotine for other types of medicines. He’s planning on listening to this video. dr. Seeds says four times less smokers died from Covid.


Oct 10 at 05:04 PM

I enjoyed the interview. Thank you. I never care wether this is true or not true. Your interviews with Ray (the masked guy) bring joy to this moment. Be safe, you’re in Israel. I hope Ray is able to get you help if you should need it. I heard there are no flights out of Israel at this time.

Oct 10 at 04:57 PM

I had the same problem. It took a few days for my membership to actually activate. Once it did I re-downloaded the unifyd app entered my password and it’s worked every since.