Oct 14 at 12:42 PM

Melissa Aragon I agree with you 100%. You voiced my thoughts exactly! When Roxy is going on about how the pleiadians contacted her, all I could think was wouldn't they be contacting others. Why her? Why are they charging large fees to "go to the ship" I could almost buy in to this (pun intended), because they are really good motivational speakers, but charging money to naive people who are searching for something is so wrong. These two are total con artists and I feel sorry for anyone giving them money. People are getting suckered in, because they feel lost in their lives and are searching, making them easy targets. This makes a good science fiction story and nothing more. BTW have you noticed in the comments that pete and roxy only reply to anyone giving them complete adulation. If anyone is even slightly unsure about this, they never post a comment back. I think that says a lot about their sincerity right there .

Replied on The Mothership

Oct 14 at 11:14 AM

Melissa Aragon I agree with you 100%. You voiced my thoughts exactly! When Roxy is going on about how the pleiadians contacted her, all I could think was wouldn’t they be contacting others. Why her? Why are they charging large fees to “go to the ship”. I could almost buy in to this (pun intended), because they are really good motivational speakers, but charging money to naive people who are searching for something is so wrong. These two are total con artists and I feel sorry for anyone giving them money. People are getting suckered in, because they feel lost in their lives and are searching, making them easy targets. This makes a good science fiction story and nothing more. BTW have you noticed in the comments that pete and roxy only reply to anyone giving them complete adulation. If anyone is even slightly unsure about this, they never post a comment back. I think that says a lot about their sincerity right there.


Replied on The Mothership

Oct 14 at 11:12 AM

Melissa Aragon I agree with you 100%. You voiced my thoughts exactly! When Roxy is going on about how the pleiadians contacted her, all I could think was wouldn’t they be contacting others. Why her? Why are they charging large fees to “go to the ship”. I could almost buy in to this (pun intended), because they are really good motivational speakers, but charging money to naive people who are searching for something is so wrong. These two are total con artists and I feel sorry for anyone giving them money. People are getting suckered in, because they feel lost in their lives and are searching, making them easy targets. This makes a good science fiction story and nothing more. BTW have you noticed in the comments that pete and roxy only reply to anyone giving them complete adulation. If anyone is even slightly unsure about this, they never post a comment back. I think that says a lot about their sincerity right there.