Santa Shaw

Aug 21 at 01:51 PM

Sagittarius ♐️

Jul 30 at 01:04 PM

You will need to practice your own discernment.  Don't rely on what you see, learn to allow your intuition to guide you.  Connect with nature and grow your own veggies & herbs.  Become Love and Heal from Within💛🌿


May 16 at 01:01 PM

I wish there were more people talking about the EE Qube and even possible recommendations for the best way for optimal set up😁

May 10 at 12:50 PM

I'm on a cusp and I relate more with the cusping sign 😁



Apr 08 at 03:38 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Eclipse from Nevada

Apr 05 at 12:03 PM

Next week in the quake forecast is S Carolina N Carolina area

Apr 05 at 11:52 AM

Dutchsinse warned about it ahead of time. Seems we're having a rise in quakes right now. Like he says, don't be scared be prepared.


Apr 04 at 11:50 AM

Energy healing but also combination with color code frequencies. This has all amped up since purchasing a EE Qube😃👍✨️


Mar 28 at 10:54 AM

It's my jam! 🥳🥳🥳


Mar 15 at 10:33 AM

Edgar woods I was only in my teens at the time & I had this inner knowing there was something more, but to see it with my own eyes (pretty close up) it was great confirmation. From that point on I didn't doubt.