Ginny Lyran StarSeed

Dec 12 at 10:17 AM

Hello 👋

Dec 08 at 06:53 PM

Central California 🌟

Replied on Be brave

Oct 19 at 10:44 PM

Thank you! ❤️❣️❤️

Replied on meditation.

Oct 19 at 10:43 PM

UNIFYD World Member Support oh good! Thanks for confirming. There is an EES center coming soon to an area 45 minutes from me. Can’t wait to experience it!

Commented on meditation.

Oct 19 at 11:37 AM

I’m assuming he meant EES, the Energy Enhancement System that Jason endorses, created my Dr. Sandra Michaels. But I may be mistaken. Can anyone here confirm this?

Replied on Be brave

Oct 19 at 09:25 AM

I’m always curious and open to hear other’s opinions. What do you feel is wrong about what I wrote in this post?

Replied on Be brave

Oct 18 at 05:16 PM

My email is


Replied on Be brave

Oct 18 at 04:11 PM

I sent the email to the one that popped up on the contact me area of your lightweavings website. It’s a protonmail email.


Replied on Be brave

Oct 18 at 04:02 PM

VANDORN HINNANT oh good for you! I am in California and see that an EES center will be opening soon near me. Can’t wait to try it. Would love to hear your experience. Looking forward to connecting. 🌟


Replied on Be brave

Oct 18 at 03:12 PM

Absolutely 💯

