Ginny Lyran StarSeed

Replied on Be brave

Oct 18 at 03:12 PM

Absolutely 💯



Commented on Be brave

Oct 18 at 02:53 PM

Thanks for the thumbs up on my post, VANDORN HINNANT. I followed my intuition and sent you an email about a movement I’m involved in that supports creating Sacred Economy. Let me know if it sounds like something you would like to learn more about, or maybe you already are involved in such a group or circle.🙏☮️🌟


Oct 18 at 01:33 PM

It takes courage to go against the flow of society. To take a stand that is not popular. To spread the message of love, even when the whole world is in fear and blame. I invite you to join me in stepping out of your comfort zone, and doing what your soul is telling you is the right thing to do. There are more people ready to stand with you then you can even imagine. Not to mention all of our friends out there in space and other dimensions that are here to help, as long as we can also know to help ourselves.


Absolutely. My soul knows this and yet, my human persona sometimes forgets. Thanks for the reminder. And I would take this image I posted and add that if we can do this for one day, we can do it for the rest of our lives. Loving the dark ones is the true test. VANDORN HINNANT 🙏


Commented on Israeli-Hamas & TLS

Oct 17 at 12:19 AM

Really good questions. 🧐


Right? So powerful!


Beautifully said and I WILL! ✌🏼☮️🕊️



Oct 16 at 07:07 PM

Embody what you are seeking 💕🙏☮️



Oct 16 at 07:01 PM

Here is a quote from the author’s forward; “ When I read about clashes around the world – political clashes, economic clashes, cultural clashes – I am reminded that it is within our power to build a bridge to be crossed. Even if my neighbor doesn’t understand my religion, or understand my politics, he can understand my story. If he can understand my story, then he’s never too far from me. It is always within my power to build a bridge. There is always a chance for reconciliation, a chance that one day he and I will sit around a table together, and put an end to our history of clashes. And on this day, he will tell me his story, and I will tell him mine.”
These words are so profound I got chills and tears reading them. Tell your story to all who will listen and listen to others with compassion and active listening. We are one. Love thy neighbor and you love yourself. ☮️🌹✌🏼🕊️🥰🙌🏼🙏”



Oct 04 at 04:46 PM

Another great oracle deck that I treasure! All requests from the Universe are answered. You must ask for assistance though. When there are no blocks or resistance, the gifts from above can quickly manifest in your life. “Ask and ye shall receive.”