Amy Phillips

Apr 12 at 12:28 PM

Agree with you 💯

Apr 12 at 12:24 PM

Thank you and bless you for putting this information out there!!!

Apr 12 at 12:17 PM

Please let's all come together and no more dividing amongst us!!! Let's not battle but become ONE again with the unconditional love that source has created all of us to be.

Dec 19 at 07:28 PM



Commented on One world spirit

Oct 18 at 10:46 AM

Yes yes yes again I needed to hear that sister... You know it does have a lot to do with us that are united for that support that's what I'm feeling really strong lately thank you


Oct 18 at 09:13 AM

In this new"age of love", what about the people that have been or will choose evil in the near future like the evildoers or the people that commit crimes bad crimes like murders and how does that evil get weeded out are we strong enough to become more spiritual to influence enough change enough people I understand that how can you change the thinking to bring about universal awareness?

Sep 11 at 01:58 AM

Thank you for the transparency!!! I am fully vested into learning about the betterment of humanity!!!!!
