Jeremy Wulff

Nov 06 at 10:48 AM

Haha , same but I’m 28 and look 15 so worlds a little weird at times

Commented on Middle East talk

Nov 06 at 12:06 AM

We are coming , God is coming ❤️


Nov 06 at 12:04 AM

Only engulfed in true darkness can we begin to truly see the light ❤️


Commented on My alter

Nov 06 at 12:02 AM


Our charging Station by the tv! more crystals by bedside and throughout girlfriend & I’s apartment! ❤️❤️❤️ love the pyramids!

Akhi Shomer you don’t have to be sorry, Love you instead 💞

Don’t worry , Jason and TLS are just fighting the same fight out on another team using more passive methods that even Ray HEAVILY disagrees with atm and recommends they enter the ATTACK phase like yesterday lol , he says this in 2020…, as the DEFENSE phase isn’t going anywhere with the cabal, we gotta take these guys out of this realm of existence . so with that being said , Let the curtains drop and unveil the illusions of humanity, may we be reborn into the light.


Yes read my comments

Let him reply , like a solid debate .

OperationQ That was the most significant Article I’ll ever read in my entire life most likely #WeAreWakingUp


OperationQ phew, excuse my unnecessary worry, thank you for this insight brother/sister 🙏
