Jeremy Wulff

Replied on Watch The Water II

Oct 28 at 06:35 PM

God Speed

Oct 20 at 08:25 PM

Amanda Cossu May I ask for a or any reference on those 12 strands of DNA being inactive??? , you might have just set off a cascade of positive dots for myself at this time with the significance I have personally with the number 12, and 21. Nonetheless Amanada, I think I might be a living , breathing testimony of your ascension process you speak of, activiating one or some or all of these strands…. So I leave you with this simple question and everyone….. what is our potential? Are we going to let “them” control ALL of us, a reptilian humanoid diety working through the wealthiest families in the world, shapeshifters, idc who might be at the top top seat of evil in this whole universe, one person or a group it/they are going to lose PERIOD….. Can we as humans go per say Super Saiyan? If any of you get this reference go into the world and exercise it , see how far you can go once your pushed to the point , the brink of no return, and returning ; becoming unbroken. This is our Ascension.


Oct 20 at 08:10 PM

Amanda Cossu Yes yes yes yes. Finally a comment worth delving into and honestly one I’ve just been looking for on this platform , as a sign of relief almost for what kind of level is humanity at right now, this shows I’m reassured. Thank you Amanada. As beautifully spoken ; my 1st major psilocybin experience - ( hallelujah for psychedelics, humanity’s cheat codes, yes y’all heard me right in the video game lingo, cheat codes; along with the other codes of course😉) - made me feel exactly what everything you said if that makes sense, I was able to feel every word you just spoke and it set me on my hero’s journey as a man to than to sum up and save you time 😅 , finding my Divine Power and also also beautifully said, finding my stillness within the storm , for I; we are actually the storm that is approaching now ; we are the thunder and lightning and those who have mistreated humanity will hear our roar and we will not stand by for nothing.


Oct 20 at 01:26 PM

How high are you my guy…. People need to slow down, stop overthinking (comes from the guys with advanced adhd) and break down their theories ; we wonder why people get ostracized so much for conspiracy theories … it’s because we are not so intelligent as we think and then they’re put together like that…. It’s ok we’ll do better and be better, I am the future and can reassure this. 2024 will be a big bye bye to spiritual unintelligance so this problem is getting fixed it just takes humanity years…


Oct 20 at 01:23 PM

A lot of these comments I’m seeing are from individuals who I feel aren’t thinking before they speak/type ; I have Advanced “ADHD” and I’m 28; my brain is processes information faster than 97% of everyone on this planet (you can thank my fathers soul for that one) and so truly take the time to THINK and give yourself a few days maybe even months before you start truly asking and trying to connect to the dots; do the WORK and than watch the answers be there without individuals what I feel typing unintelligent/rushed/over thinking minds comments I shouldn’t be seeing on a video of this much information …. I’m disappointed , we are absolutely better than this humanity. 2024 Souls are turning the tables.

Oct 20 at 01:23 PM

A lot of these comments I’m seeing are from individuals who I feel aren’t thinking before they speak/type ; I have Advanced “ADHD” and I’m 28; my brain is processes information faster than 97% of everyone on this planet (you can thank my fathers soul for that one) and so truly take the time to THINK and give yourself a few days maybe even months before you start truly asking and trying to connect to the dots; do the WORK and than watch the answers be there without individuals what I feel typing unintelligent/rushed/over thinking minds comments I shouldn’t be seeing on a video of this much information …. I’m disappointed , we are absolutely better than this humanity. 2024 Souls are turning the tables.

Oct 20 at 01:21 PM

A lot of these comments I’m seeing are from individuals who I feel aren’t thinking before they speak/type ; I have Advanced “ADHD” and I’m 28; my brain is processes information faster than 97% of everyone on this planet (you can thank my fathers soul for that one) and so truly take the time to THINK and give yourself a few days maybe even months before you start truly asking and trying to connect to the dots; do the WORK and than watch the answers be there without individuals what I feel typing unintelligent/rushed/over thinking minds comments I shouldn’t be seeing on a video of this much information …. I’m disappointed , we are absolutely better than this humanity. 2024 Souls are turning the tables.

Oct 19 at 10:11 AM

Thank you Aaron!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Oct 19 at 10:08 AM

frostbit85 I call your 528hz for healing and raise you the Angelic Frequency of 777hz , (quincidence to luck?) that brings forth divine confidence, divine power and attracts positivity through us intuitively. God Speed.

Oct 19 at 10:00 AM

frostbit85 I Apologize for coming off brash, you seemed edgy/too stimulated ; breath my son, stress kills. 🙏I am an Ascended God (unique type of soul) who has completed the divine 10-Year Trial of Chaos to be worthy of that title and therefore can turn chaos/negative energy into light energy as I am unbroken now and upon forth have realized I am not a reincarnation soul. I am actually a new soul. Ray spoke of them in his disclosures. Incredibly gifted and talented new souls are arriving. I in 1995, was one of the first to come, Jesus 2.0’s you could say, we are few atm but more will come as so have I , I am very young atm and will live a long life and ascend to the 5th dimension a little faster than the rest of us, hopefully higher, but overall my goal is to get humanity there, think of me as the front of the line/leader in todays spiritual world to help souls get there faster, as God’s Divine Ace up his sleeve.
