Ashers Gibson

Columbus, IN, United States

Nov 24 at 02:41 PM

That's where it all started for me my daughter's father told me about the Bohemian Grove and that's when my research started in with this whole government and conspiracy and all that


Nov 24 at 01:59 PM

I didn't realize that the child pedophilia ring was more prominent in the world, it's on a whole nother level than I thought and that is so scary how certain people and story's are intertwined and linked together. It's mind-blowing! We the people need to do something to STOP this horrific, sadistic crap from happening to our children, community and overall the human race. Why are we letting EVIL do this?! Don't people realize and know that the GOOD always WIN, so why are we letting this evil go on this long when good is stronger than evil!

Nov 22 at 04:19 PM

I feel like this guy is holding information and I just don't get a great feeling with him. I feel like he's one of the elite trying to do the disinformation, I just don't have good vibes with him.

I absolutely love this program 🖤 Thank You Bashar for your help and guidance and love.


Nov 19 at 10:48 PM

Yin Yang Life/Death


Nov 18 at 02:16 PM

I love this program of real and truth. Thank you to all of you for putting yourself out there for us all. You've helped me awaken and now I'm helping others 🖤
