Adam Peter O'Neill

Coventry, United Kingdom

Me I resonate more with Draconian starseed types I was part of a certain group many lifetimes ago that was wanting to control and enslave different species, I was given an altermatum to payback the karmic debts of my clan and to help assit the human collective or face destruction.

I found this through many remote viewing meditations of self improvement.  there is certain things I have seen and experience that would horrify and question the very thing that makes a human human.

most of my incarnations if you want to call it that I have been around at certain key pinicle points of this whole of exsistance from wars to revelutions on certain timelines which I still see during certain meditations that I do and always feel the vibes and have seen certain timeline in play in my minds eye.


May 18 at 04:27 PM

Gentleness, Romance Opportunity


I tend to resonate alot with the Draconian starseed type my misson here on earth is to unite people to a common goal, this is part of my tikun (karmic agreement many,lifetimes ago I used be on the side of ill and was from what I discovered in deep meditation during my own remote viewing practice, was on the parth of the service to self not service to others, I was given the chance/choice  to reedeem my soul on the journey back to source or no longer exist).

Draconian starseeds in proper spiritual alignment work to unite humans by waking up their consciousness to the needs of humanity. They are steadfast in accomplishing their goals and missions.


I have more to tell of my experience on this journey and I am still learning more and more about what I am(spirtually) each meditation I do I am accessing more and more about who I am and where I came from and what is to come in regards to my journey of re-awakening

Jan 09 at 08:02 PM

Jo’ell StaffordThank you must come back to Glastonbury at some point for a holiday, havent been there since samhein of 2017 I stayed there for a whole week and meditated at glastonbury or on samhein night


Dec 28 at 04:25 PM

Im from Coventry UK 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇬🇧 and it seems im the only awakened one in the whole of Coventry and Warwickshire as far as im aware

Dec 01 at 07:15 PM

 A very Powerful Meditation has helped me to connect more  with my past life incarnation and the reasons for me being so angry at everything and everyone for no aparent reason until i did this meditation heped me realise the reason for my mission in this reality. still got  alot more to learn and help me become less angry will be definately watching/listening again another time.😀