Kimber Rayna

Commented on post was deleted

Feb 19 at 03:27 PM

"Welcome to Costco I LOVE YOU!"

Feb 19 at 03:22 PM

Anyone interested In this needs to watch the movie Boys of Brazil right now please. Okay. Thanks!!!

Based off of reality.

Oct 17 at 08:04 PM

My 5 year old and I just ran through this video together. I must say, she absolutely loved it! Slow, gentle pace so she could mostly keep up. 🫶😇 Thank you for your contribution to the unifyed family! My lil munchkin and I are ooking forward to practicing with more of your videos! 💕

Replied on World map

Oct 12 at 03:30 PM

AA Oh I do. I love catching the predictve programming connections. It helps me feel not crazy when everyone points and laughes at the conspiracy theorist.


Oct 12 at 03:28 PM

Big money has always been invested on either side of every war. They are psychopathic. They will capitalize off of everything possible. It's like they're playing monopoly and they're addicted to wining. I don't know why they do it. When you have money like they do, you can go anywhere and do anything... and they do. Then it gets boring. Then, I guess the only thing they can get a rise out of is winning at money. Similarly, we see the same pattern with sex addicts ending up as that Lost Prophets guy. People don't realize how important their mind is. They would guard it much more closely if they knew or cared to know.

The sad thing is people are complacent. They sit on computers and talk about how they want to do something for the world. Something to change it, but I can't find anyone in my large area to volunteer to so much as pick up litter in the neighboring city.

Big money let's us earn just enough to almost get by with maybe 2 vacations in a lifetime. Juuuuust comfortable enoug

OperationQ I absolutely cannot Imagine what might drive a person to do the tunnel sorts of things... or even to harm another person or living thing.

I think I understand your point maybe better now.

It can feel as if these types are so far removed from any empathetic ability at all. As if they are a different type Of being altogether.

Something human but not at all humane.

Replied on World map

Oct 10 at 06:28 PM

AA I was making a Game of Thrones reference. In the series there is a great white mysterious blizzard ice wall. White walkers are frozen zombies and wildlings are a nomadic people which dwell on the "Dark side of the moon" Ya know, if the wall were a moon.

My movie references just make situations weird sometimes. I end up having to explain things and, well, it's just not funny anymore. My bad!

OperationQ We are God's creation. Created of light love and his breath. We have free will. But we are God's creation even still.


OperationQ So, you don't believe 200 people are dead and more are POW?

What does it matter when innocent children, women, men, grandparents and whole families... families full of people exactly like you me, black jew, Muslim, Christian etc.. are being brutalized.

Seems like poor timing/taste to say anything of this sort now.

The bible makes mention as man from adam and Eve, we are ALL CHILDREN OF GOD.