Kimber Rayna


Oct 03 at 11:40 AM

Has anyone had any sort of therapeutic dreams?
For just one of about 5 instances as an example:
I have had my ex come to me in a dream and apologize sincerely for ghosting me after 4 year relationship as soon as he went to college.
It was so cathartic. I woke every morning feeling like I had years of therapy.
Does anyone know anything about this type of thing? I would love to see absolute any ideas or input.
The power of apology. The power of forgiveness.
If you have done someone wrong, perhaps reach out and apologize. Could potentially be very healing to the person you have hurt.
And, forgiveness yourself. Mihappen. Bumps in the road happen for a reason.
Growth. 🫶
Selfless love. Service to others. Respecting our body mind spirit and emotions is a way to find healing and greater heights in this wacky human experience on Earth.

Thank you for reading. I know your time is valuable. I love you all. Have a greatday full of wonder@