Karen Johnston

Thibodaux, LA, United States


Feb 16 at 12:53 PM

Any recommendations on Books to read?
Holistic Medicine, Body Energy, Light & Energy, Ester Medicine, Awakening, Healing.....


Dec 25 at 12:40 AM

Merry Christmas everyone!!..



Oct 14 at 08:42 PM

What's the best brand for water asmosis system and distiller?



Oct 03 at 07:09 AM

Where can I find "Watch The Water" Documentary?



Oct 02 at 10:35 PM

Dose anyone know if this had to do with some kind of weaponized HZ or a specific sound wave that can make that impact?


Sep 10 at 11:02 PM

Hi my name is Karen. First day here and first post. SO.. I been asking my self this question for a while now. What do we do as consumers if everything in the stores is poison?. What other alternatives do we have to get our basic needs from the store? let just say like Walmart. Where do we go to get organic things not full of chemicals and poison? We've just started to homestead, planting fruit trees, having our own chicken and turkeys in less then an acre. It's been less then a year, but we've still need a green house to create a year round garden for fruits, vegetables and herbs. Why questions is, were do we go for the rest of our needs like cleaning supplies, clothing, essentials, etc. for the meanwhile while we get our house going to become self sufficient and not dependent on companies that just want to enslave us and get our money when we are barely making it?!. Thank you, bless you all.. Much love..💜