
Victoria, Canada

Jul 06 at 03:04 PM

Oh let’s see 🤦🏼‍♀️ what now Just when I think nothing will surprise me let’s see🤯😬

Jun 06 at 03:33 PM

Actually, now that I think about it, I would definitely buy another year of the subscription For unified but the premium package whatever that one is that’s what I would do actually😅❤️🫂

Jun 06 at 02:03 PM

Maybe pay some bills and go camping


Jun 03 at 08:23 PM

I had a dream that I was paralyzed in and I woke up inside The same again and again and again, and once I woke up into my real life, I was literally paralyzed, and I could not move. I could not speak or breathe . It was A very scary dream to not be able to breathe when you wake up. It was quite disturbing when you wake up inside the dream you just woke up from and realize it’s the same dream.


May 21 at 10:48 PM

May 21 at 10:43 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 no worries 😉 😘🫂


May 21 at 10:11 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 I’m not trying to spread misinformation like I said, Alexa said that O was rare I was in no way stating that this was fact that’s why I said” lol”😘

May 21 at 09:39 PM


May 21 at 09:09 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 Alexa says type O lol 😝

May 21 at 09:08 PM

Yes they are
