Soul hamo

Brunswick Heads, Australia

I am metaphyical guidance source servant

Aug 26 at 01:54 AM

Ray jason this true with truth just got released to world all sick of the 1way information jason out to he has No open chatting on telegram

Jun 16 at 11:32 PM

That's bs no 1 from having vaccine's can be saved they dumb enough follow masses like sheep from having the vaccine's they can't get upgrades from sun an universe sorry this is truth

Jun 08 at 10:33 PM

TLS say world not ready this real intervention that needs to happen what load of bs was any person/s family/s every ready for war 1 ww2 or ww3 if happen unitfy family here I am soul I'm call out TLS an jason face me about truth !!!!!!! I'm at Mullumbimby broken down in my campervan for close 10weeks meet me an face me! Find real truth or to gutless hide in shadows jason an TLS follow me on instragram as soul15644_isness_being8 I'm not hiding like TLS

Mar 21 at 07:53 AM



Mar 14 at 04:08 AM

Sorry whats wrong u an your friends wake up people can't U's see big picture or to blind to truth


Mar 14 at 04:03 AM

Destroy usa an fill up military for ww3 the fake alien invasion to come

Mar 10 at 12:34 AM



Mar 09 at 05:13 PM

Government shout it down lol


Nov 13 at 03:52 AM

This why the war refired up in Israel an advertising on mainstream media across world because fake elites want it, an 100s of thousands dying over this information,why don't tell fake elites an there military let them all go down an they die instead of war killing citizens of countries because they will never get near without dying by trying, ps it's like tls want this happening people die ! ? In this my soul an conscious knows this doesn't add up Jason

Nov 13 at 03:30 AM

Ask Ray about spiritual war happening right I hold about this morning I'm soul15644 this is the part he not talking about where all souls carry later sidearms not just on earth which is crap