Melissa Bailey

Apr 10 at 01:00 AM

West Virginia send good vibes all around..light love and peace!

Apr 02 at 12:16 PM

I feel more connected with animals and plants and the earth than I do people here

I think we should also add i l constantly feel like I don't belong on this planet

Mar 31 at 12:00 AM

Sending out good vibes to you all


Mar 30 at 11:59 PM

Love you!!!


Mar 30 at 11:58 PM

We should have a day this year for all our viewers here and on Gaia to have have one night and time we all meditate and unite our love and intentions


Mar 30 at 11:56 PM

My home town


Mar 30 at 11:51 PM

Bluefield West Virginia!!!!! Wake up world!!! Let us RISE UP AGAINST THE PSYCHOPATHS!!! UNITED WE STAND!! EXPAND OUR CONSCIOUSNESS!!!! LOVE EVERYONE!!! LOVE YOURSELF!!! we will have peace on earth we are peace we are mother earth we are EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE YOU ALL


Mar 30 at 11:11 PM

I don't understand why they meaning ET's don't just let everyone know what really happened and whats really going on in our world and with our Government.The mass would believe it it would help us so much.

Mar 30 at 11:06 PM

bee Maakadebin no but we all have a purpose our soul made an agreement that you don't remember and part of it is struggle just be thankful your situation could be worse even though I don't know your situation I do know things can always be worse be thankful for what you have and great fully help those in need including paying for your subscription to this platform it will help your manifestation in things you THINK you want or need.