Miranda Lorell

Sep 07 at 03:39 PM

Vanessa Beckwith it’s nice to touch in with you and others here who understand. I totally get it. When I was little I used to “remember” that I could fly, I think in body. I could feel the free feeling of it in my body. I would get on my bed go to the front end by the head, and run off the other end pushing off. Then I would leap into the air… and land heavy onto the floor. I was so baffled and disheartened that I wasn’t airborne and flying. I did this over and over again. I just couldn’t understand. It was so disappointing for me. I finally gave up trying.

I too had several flying dreams as a child, teen as a young adult. Not now. I’m 67.

Aug 28 at 08:18 AM

Did anybody notice the orb floating by @ 14:30? “So let’s get back to Moses.”

Aug 23 at 11:23 AM

I thought you would do a part two on the power of the woman?? Not that I don’t want to hear this topic however there is so much more Ray said he could go into regarding that topic but for time, he didnt. It’s very important. I for one, would very much like and appreciate that. I think many others would as well. PLEASE pick up on the points Ray mentioned that time would not permit him to elaborate on.


Aug 20 at 11:53 AM

Ray , What do you know about this being or entity called Satan or the “Antichrist” ? Is he/it about to manifest in another human form (some say he already is born in a human body but is getting ready to take the stage)?

Aug 16 at 07:23 AM

Was it super real feeling, more then the ordinary dream? I think it means something however what is the question!

I once had a shared dream with a lady from Croatia. Years ago I “dreamed” (it was more real then an ordinary dream) I was walking about outside in afternoon with a few others and suddenly overhead were a lots of craft (UAP/UFO’s) and we ran in different directions. They were frightening and hostile. They were all different shapes and they were landing. Beings were coming out and chasing us. I somehow knew were to go and others followed me as I led them to a large building down away in the field. There was a beautiful young woman inside who was instructing us how to position ourselves for safety. That something was about to happen, a blast or something. Then I don’t remember anymore.

I relayed my dream story to some group online and a woman from Croatia that I didn’t know said, after I described the young Womans face, that that was her! She said she had the same dream and it was her instructing us what to do.

That’s all we know. What does it mean? I did some research and there is such a thing as shared dreams. It is a phenomenon unexplained. Maybe some shamans have an understanding! It is not a hallucination that’s for sure.

Aug 16 at 07:06 AM

Wendy Everett it’s misogyny. You’re exactly right. Of coarse it’s not unclean. It’s also hypocrisy. What man doesn’t have impure body, thoughts? They typically have more.

Aug 12 at 03:54 PM

That’s the thing that ruffled my feathers. Its ridiculous and irrational. First off its not “unclean” or “impure” it’s blood washing away eggs. Men have blood and men gave the woman the sperm to germinate the egg. It’s a God given process. It’s not filth, not rotting trash, or anything similar, it’s simply how God created the process of baby-making. Nothing impure about that. When you get a cut and it gets infected, the body produces blood to wash out the germs. Even if you don’t get an infection, the blood comes- do they ban men from entering the church who have an infection? No.

Obviously this is male chauvinism/ misogyny. Strong words. I’m not hating on men at all, these are facts. Also men have “impurities” both physically and spiritually. Everyone has toxins in their bodies. That’s actual impurities. The Bible says having a lustful thought is a sin and is unpure. Almost every (if not all) man has lustful thoughts, they have anger, etc. These are the actual impurities. Not the monthly blood pushing away the eggs in a woman’s womb, a process created by God. This is a huge double-standard; and it’s gas-lighting.

It’s a fact: The upper levels of religion are dominated by males. They set the rules, not the women. To me, it’s clear there an agenda. They want to suppress the power of women.

This hatred, dehumanizing and suppression of women has gone on far too long. It’s due for a rehaul and alignment to higher truth. This will benefit everyone, all humanity.


Aug 10 at 08:19 PM

Good to have some info on the TLS.

Can they stop the cut off of social security benefits and state medical benefits to seniors that might occur if a certain US president elect comes into the US office? If it’s implemented it would be the death of many thousands, and hundreds of thousands.

Commented on The Highest Pass

Aug 10 at 11:54 AM

Mesmerizing. Could feel the Spirit of the mountain and the human spirit. Perfect music choice too… Yes!! The lyrics and Jon Anderson’s angelic voice. Watched on my iPhone, can’t wait to see it on a big screen. 🩷🙏🏔️