Magdalena Borecka


Feb 11 at 09:17 AM

Where all the guided breathwork movies from Christopher are located? Looks live they've disappeared....


Feb 09 at 05:36 AM

Andrew, would you, please, consider a "reptilian" subject for your series? It would be enlightening to have your meticulous approach applied to origins, history, influence, evidence (?) of their existence and most of all - their purpose and reason for being and doing of what they allegedly do.


May 24 at 04:24 AM

I've forgotten to add that 'The Watchers' are consistent in painting the et beings in shades of grey, too, rather than 'white as angels'


May 24 at 04:22 AM

I've just watched David Icke's interview with Credo Mutwa (parts of the interview were used in 'The Nature of Reality' series) and apparently, according to Credo, the Grey's are reptilians.
All of the interview stays - to some extent - in contradiction to Ray's statements. The picture of 'all et beings' filled with love is incomplete, because some of them are VERY evil.
Anyone can comment on the above? Am I missing some important bit?


May 21 at 02:34 PM

When? Why the wait? Just publish it, please.... :)


Apr 10 at 03:49 PM

Wroclaw, Poland


Jan 03 at 12:42 PM

Is there any chance to record Jason's Monday Live's? I'm in GMT+2, so at 7 PM when it starts it's 1AM Tuesday in my corner of the world.


Oct 12 at 05:27 AM

Ray says he's going to do a melitation on a monthly bases to bring awareness to the world. Does it mean he will be doing live meditation like Jason does?

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 10:30 AM

I am getting this interview translated to Polish.