Abdulino, Russia


Jan 14 at 04:49 PM

Cindy ghysel but no I am not Dutch speaking..

Jan 14 at 04:49 PM

Cindy ghysel no lol it was an interesting name in regards of my spiritual experience.. I channel,connect to the akashic records,connect to spirit guides as well as spirit animals and through channeling all this information they so desperately want me to share I found this name interesting,unique,catchy and fit the correct label in regards to the information a channel and download from all those previously stated channeling sessions. I have a message too share with the world and that is why I chose that name.. unfortunately I have been logged out and can no longer access that account.. but that's what it meant.. messenger.

Jan 14 at 04:45 PM

Shane Vogt that's about the only thing positive that's came from this whole experience.. the EESystem is LEGIT..if you haven't experienced those frequencies you ABSOLUTELY have to get to a healing center to experience those frequencies!! The frequencies are authentic..real..never changing..never lying..never doing nothing but giving you more life.. NOW THAT IS WORTH SPENING YOUR MONEYON!! Anything else.. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Jan 14 at 04:09 PM

Maryann shall I send a text to the # you left in the comment section?

Jan 14 at 04:08 PM

LaReyna what's the best way to contact you?


Jan 14 at 04:04 PM

Tyler Walters transform you and your life. And your outlook on life. It all happens inside. That's where all the magic is.

Jan 14 at 04:03 PM

But the novel "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr Joe Dispenza is a great read and discusses the idea of humans naturally being Supernatural and these are different wisdoms and knowledge to connect to that Divine Supernatural higher self and by applying these different methods to your meditations your creativity will boost discusses being able to connect to different dimensions and this book will teach you how to process different frequencies you weren't aware of before your spiritual awakening or before you realized you want to know Spirit on a more intimate level. Anyways this is a good read and I think you would get a lot from it. But all in all, I have self-taught myself how to access these mystical Energies by myself through deep meditation and different guided meditations connecting you to your spirit guides. You can simply search on YouTube, spirit guide meditations and it will take you to different dimensions. If you take it serious and put as much energy as you can into it it will


Jan 14 at 03:56 PM

Tyler Walters so personally the text and transcripts I have connected to that has been the most spiritually elevating is "THE Book of Ra".. you can actually download that off the internet a bunch of different ways. Or you can listen to the transcripts on YouTube. It is about the civilization that was on Earth around the time of the Egyptians and speaks about oneness and connections to source in a much more exotic and connected way. It was very beneficial to me and my Spirit. I would just start off by listening to the transcripts on YouTube and see if it is beneficial to you spiritually and if it is then continue your learning and research by downloading the entire book.

Jan 14 at 03:49 PM

Maryann umm sure I would be open to speaking to you on a spiritual level. Is that your phone number you posted?? I can contact you if you want. That's be splendid..I've dealt with crazy ex's personally myself but I'm always up for a new acquaintance. And yes,you are correct..nothing happens by chance and nothing happens becayse of coincidence. Everything happens when it happens because it was supposed to happen.. if you see that as a sign to connect with me on a deeper level spiritually I would be delighted to connect to you. Can I text that #?


Jan 14 at 12:45 PM

Tyler Walters the knowledge is already inside of you bro.. it's inside of EVERY human. It's up to you to find it..inside of yourself. I have been accessing the akashic records and I've learned more from the Divine aspect of being human then I have from the thousands and thousands of videos I've watched on their platform and on different platforms and all of the information I've gathered from reading the most significant and transforming information I have gained has been from different spiritual Realms, animal spirituality, and just different dimensions of reality. What I have learned is that everything you need to know or want to know is instilled in your DNA and your soul which we are Connected To Source because we are Source thus meaning everything and anything is inside of us all at once all at the same time cuz everything is connected and because everything is one. Everything is infinite.