
Austin, TX, United States

Jan 29 at 01:11 PM

Ademola Elliotte Hey there! That's pretty close, lmk of you're ever in the Austin area and would like to connect! Also Instagram is the best way to get ahold of me cause I get message notifications it's


Jan 16 at 10:12 AM

999 emailed you back!

Jan 15 at 10:17 PM

999 I'm not sure what email you used hun. I checked the one I use for this app but I didn't get any from you. For IG you don't have to follow ne you can just send a dm. is my email if you prefer that but I'd rather dm on IG lol. We can videochat through there too


Jan 15 at 10:05 AM

999 on IG


Jan 14 at 03:19 AM

Same. Let's chat

Dec 23 at 12:08 PM


If anyone would like to connect in the Austin area Instagram is the best way. Just dm me there, no need to follow cause Im not really looking for followers just fellow minds and hearts looking to help each other and connect!. My handle is