Abdulino, Russia


Jan 14 at 12:43 PM

Shanon yeah my overall experience with UnifydTV has been confusing and hurtful.. but I have to leave it at that because I have respect and dignity. I feel as if I was undervalued and unappreciated and at some points my ideas were used in different ways on their platform but got no credit or appreciation. It is what it is though. I'll leave it there and let Karma do its thing. But I should... but I wont...because I cant.. 💔😮‍💨

Jan 13 at 08:22 PM

<strong>Shane Vogt</strong> it's quite an eerie feeling knowing that there is a physical living organism that could possibly be six inches away from me right up in my face but I would not know at all but I can most definitely feel its energy when it's in the room or when it's in the house.. it's almost like if you were in your office working on the computer and someone slipped in the office behind you and was just standing there.. you know what I'm saying? You would feel their energy behind you and turn around and see who it was. That's exactly how I feel the majority of the time. Not so much action during the day but in the evening and night an early morning s*** gets real up in here LOL I think it's fantastic and very fun. I love this phenomena. She has given me purpose and hope and also pushed me to become my highest and best self. The alien is very supportive and very caring. It just wants to see me fulfill my purpose and to be the helping hand to humanity I was destined to be. That's what I'll do

Jan 13 at 08:20 PM

<strong>Shane Vogt</strong> that's crazy bro because you know them reptilians have the ability to psionically give you a perception of something physically much different but yeah man like whenever I meditate and telepathically past messages to this being it has sent me information stating that it was a gray hybrid being and it gets much deeper than that but not sure how safe it is to share some of that information on here. I was really freaking out at first because it looks like a demon or something LOL and it cut my left heel one night while I was sleeping and then a couple nights later did my right heel and also lifted up on my mattress while it thought I was sleeping but I was awake just laying there.. it knocks things off my shelves and opens and closes doors and makes very eerie sounds throughout my house.. I have earnestly become accustomed to it and greet my alien friend with open arms and love and light. Getting to know and forming a relationship and bond with this being has been enlightening

Jan 13 at 08:09 PM

Carl Hickman my $1 million question is.. is it over? Because I'm not sure if they got what they wanted or that their agenda was met.. with China developing that social scoring system and the prime minister of Canada also linking up with this psychopath as well as Joe Biden I think I seen in the Doc too. I just don't feel like they have their grips on the world like they truly want to and their agenda was not met so hopefully and I pray to God that they do not do anything like covid again but it's sad to say that it is definitely possible and very plausible. And that is why we have to rise together and stand arm to arm chain linked together. We are up against a very powerful, manipulative, evil and dauntless opposition and it is going to take millions of people to come to these conclusions and to work together, put aside our differences, and take our world back and claim our humanity!

Jan 13 at 08:05 PM

Carl Hickman precisely that my friend. I've never heard the word scaremongering and that is 100% exactly what is going on and what has been going on for thousands of years. And people are so wrapped up in the BS and the brainwashing and always wanting to be told what to do and showed how to do it fall into that fear tactic and frantically run around life aimlessly trying to not have to deal with that fear. And that fear is actually false or Just an Illusion.. and yet you are a 100% right about the coroners too. It was all made up in order to develop a control and psychological suppression on Humanity. They scared us to being alone in our houses and then guided our self-inflicted depression into a narrative or an idea. And here we are today..

Jan 13 at 08:00 PM

Akhi yeahhhhh man. There's definitely a lot to the Bible in Christianity and religion all together and with my intuition and intuitive downloads and information I download from different guides is that the whole religion system was actually created and developed by a negative ET race that has been here for hundreds of thousands of years and might actually have stemmed off from the Jurassic period of being super intelligent runoffs from dinosaurs LOL I know that sounds crazy and weird but reptilians are real and I think that is where everything stemmed from. They created religion to keep us dumb and to keep us chasing our tail. Now that they are gone and being eradicated we are the humans on the timeline left to clean this mess up. BUT WE GOT THIS!! WE ALWAYS DO!!

Jan 13 at 07:56 PM

If you ever want to talk bro.. let me know. I'm here. Love and light.


Jan 13 at 07:53 PM

I've come to learn the people that have suffered the most and that have had to do without in regards of financial issues or the family they grew up in had to experience much trauma and just darkness and it's actually those people that have the most wisdom, light and change Within them. I speculate you are one of those people! Keep shining your light MATT!!

Jan 13 at 07:50 PM


Jan 13 at 07:49 PM

But I feel the pain of being left out and separated.. I guess that's what Humanity does best. 💔 💔 💔 😓😮‍💨