
Chicago, IL, United States

Feb 01 at 10:08 AM

It is possible that asking TLS for protection might have helped. Or some of us praying, or both, who knows. I think we need to envelope ourselves in Love (God) each day, through prayer, meditation on divine words and other spiritual disciplines. We can't involve ourselves into spiritual matters more deeply without practicing those too.


Jan 31 at 04:42 PM

From my perspective, that's why there was a need for John the Baptist. These days it will most probably be a group of people, who are living at the level of LOVE, and they will kind of "drag" the rest of the society after them.

People will have to see the "model" for this new way of living, in us. So let's figure out how that model needs to be. I am learning...

Jan 31 at 04:38 PM

Very interesting. That's why always when there was a big shit in consciousness you had to have fore-runners.

Jan 31 at 03:48 PM

♡999♡ TLS via Jason/Ray has many times tried to make it clear that such group of "saviors" like proposed here does not exist. The "saviors" are us. Because even if such group were to exists, and they take care of the evil "providers", while we still consume, for example pornography ourselves, there will always exist new "providers" to fulfill that need. You take 1 big one out, 10 lesser others will take their place. In a normal society, all these huge pornographic sites would run out of business, because there would be no consumers. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, as a society.


Jan 31 at 10:12 AM

♡999♡ would like to have access to the source for this, if available. Very interesting.

Jan 31 at 10:10 AM

Thank you Charity Hawk ! What we are talking about here is reality, not dead religion. It works!

Jan 30 at 11:28 PM

OperationQ They did ask Ray and he answered over and over but if one does not want to hear... they will keep on asking the same question over and over again... and never hear the answer.

Jan 30 at 11:04 PM

OperationQ it seems if you want to believe something, you can find proof even in the asphalt on the road, or what not.

Not everything you post is un-truth, and I commend you for what is truth and you spread awareness about. But you mix that with non-sense like JFK Jr is still alive, he still looks the same as decades ago, etc.

In the end you discredit the truth you spread as well, with that kind of stuff. That's what QAnon Shaman says in that interview, among other things. You end up, overall, doing more damage to the cause of truth, than helping it.

Jan 30 at 10:43 PM

♡999♡ It's probably his own site...