
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 15 at 02:12 AM

999 I believe we do need some sort of foundation that we could stand on, for what is truth and what not. In my case that foundation is Jesus and His words. Jesus is a real person, you start talking to Him, He hears you. It's like in regular life, you get to know somebody by talking to Him and yeah if there is a book about them, you read it. You start to develop a relationship, by knowing each other.

In the case I was talking about, the guy admitted he was using black magic, so that's how we knew. But you can also judge situations through the Light of Jesus words, what He said it is the truth.

Jan 15 at 01:12 AM


I am with you! Be strong and at peace.

Jan 15 at 01:06 AM

999 The way it works for me to get Christ's spirit into my inner being is by reading/listening to/speaking His words, as captured in the Scriptures. Again, very simple. In fact, for many people it is hard to believe that it can be that simple. Because they were taught that it must be complicated, follow certain rituals, etc.


Jan 15 at 12:55 AM

999 I think what makes it work with Jesus is just if you have faith in Him or not. Otherwise no complex rituals or any "religion" needed. As simple as that, just calling on His name.


Jan 15 at 12:53 AM

999 With asking for help from Jesus is very simple. You just ask! No rituals needed just something like "Jesus please help me".

Or when I was attacked, I couldn't say more than just, Jesus, Jesus until the evil entity had to give up. 

Jan 15 at 12:04 AM

999 Would be nice if this site had a DM feature, right? I would like to get in touch with you too, I am thinking I may have made some progress on 222, possibly also with regards to it chasing you as well, but let's chat. Please put together (spoken tanakh at gmail)


Jan 14 at 11:38 PM

999 Yeah it saddens me to this very day, that he passed on with all that hatred and darkness in his heart. Can you imagine, living at that level, that you are ready to kill using magic?

And you would have never believed he was involved in that kind of stuff; he was an outstanding leader in the community, respected by everybody.


Jan 14 at 09:33 PM

999 From how you are describing, your experience seems to be similar but different.

Hopefully in your case there is no black magic involved and such. From what I was told later, the warlock was very angry with us, and was boasting that he was going to kill us all through magic. I don't know, we went on with our lives, we are all still around, as far as I know all of us, but he died of a heart attack not long after that action to cleanse the house.

For me it was the first time in my life when I became aware of the power we have as humans, through Jesus' name, against evil spirits. Tip to other readers, if you are attacked, just call on Jesus in faith, and stand there, they don't give up easily. You will see them scatter like rats, but you have to stand firm, there may be a struggle, during which they will project into your mind that you are weak and helpless, nobody can help you, total lies. They will run away, if you stand and continue to call on Jesus. That has been my experience.


Jan 14 at 05:22 PM

999 The case I was involved in, there was witchcraft in that house and some entities were terrorizing all the occupants, even those not involved. The warlock was a well-respected leader in the community, by the way. You would have never believed it.

Occupants were even choked by them, just to elicit terror. It was all very physical, doors being opened and slammed loudly, floors cracking as if somebody heavy was moving around, etc. The first thing they would induce to the occupants was always the lie that: "there is nothing you can do about this, there is no one to help you".  I always wondered about that, why they had to start with that before terrorizing the victims. Now I understand, you had to believe their lie, so they could induce that reality into the victims.

We called on Jesus to deliver the house and it all stopped and those entities never returned again. Unfortunately, the guy that was doing the witchcraft and would not renounce it, died of a heart attack not very long after.


Jan 14 at 10:19 AM

999 I was involved in situation where every evening and throughout the night some beings would slam doors and make a lot of noise. To the point people in the house could not have meaningful sleep in that house. It is rather simple to solve such problems. If it is percieved as problem....
