
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 13 at 01:18 AM

The documentary is ALREADY on UNIFYD, Caleb

The Great Awakening (unifyd.tv) 

There are also interviews with the producer which I am now looking forward to watching.

Jan 13 at 01:04 AM

999 I am just realizing I've said "at 22" above. And these days 2:22 is chasing me. Could be that I am to experience a double portion of what I experienced at 22? Wow, that would be so amazing, if that were the case.


Jan 13 at 01:00 AM

999 By the way, I heard something quite interesting mentioned by Czebotar Jessie. I am not sure if everything Jessie says is to be taken without discernment. But she does bring some pretty interesting points to the table.

She says, that Luciferians learnt through experiments directly on humans, that the best method of manipulation is not coercion. But the one where you appeal to the people's goodness and sense of serving and saving the community and their close families. I heard her mentioning that before Covid.

With Covid we've seen that put in practice through the media and through the religious and political leaders with military precision. The video captures that too, how we were manipulated by appealing to our sense of goodness and care about community and those close to us.

Jan 13 at 12:51 AM

999 I am 3/4 through the video. Wow, I strongly add my endorsement. Highly recommend. And I plan on watching it with my family and recommend it to my friends. Thanks Caleb!


Jan 13 at 12:38 AM

999 That was Jesus deep desire too, that we should all be one. One around who or what? Around the Source, whom He called The Father.

Lucifer also wants to create oneness, but with him at the top, not the Father.


Jan 13 at 12:33 AM

999 We can be very busy all lifelong studying about God. But we are to get beyond that... We are here to experience Him, not only to learn about Him.

Adam, in the beginning, had a meeting each morning with Him.  That's how I understand these days, "Gives us today our daily bread". We need to get our daily food from our personal communion with Him. He is the food our spirits need. The Words He spoke are one means by which to get to that intimate communion with Him.

It seems to me Rabbi AA got that "secret" very profoundly and practiced it consistently each day. Enoch "walked with God". He didn't study about God, he experienced God each day. Elijah the same, Jesus probably more than all put together.


Jan 12 at 11:10 PM

I could talk for hours how I as delivered from this kind of attacks simple by calling on Jesus for help. I suggest you try that too. You have to insist though, they don't give up easily!

Just stand their firm calling on Jesus, and in the end, they have to give up. They are scared shit when He finally shows up to help you. They scatter like cockroaches. 

Jan 12 at 10:57 PM

999 I grew up in a branch of Christianity. At 22 I realized that my religion was the greatest barrier for me to be able to reach out to God. Later in life when I was desperate why I was kind of stagnating spiritually, I was shown in a vision with an instant huge "download" that my... Christian mentor was one of the barriers (it took me a few years though to figure out what that vision meant, sometimes I am so hard at getting it). He is very renowned in Christian circles, and I still have the greatest respect for him. But the problem is that they may keep you at their level of spirituality. And they may be well content to be at that level, but I was not content to stay there, there is still so much more to explore and figure out!

I think we can very easily build religion, no matter where we are, we are almost like a religion making factory. We always build models about reality, instead of connecting to reality Himself (God). 

I am looking forward to watching that video, thank you bro.


Jan 12 at 09:22 PM

I have found this site that shows various places from the Holy Scriptures, which clearly illustrate that the way things are right now, the majority of us live in a hypnotic like state, from which we are manipulated to give our power to this evil being. If we were to wake up from slumber, he would be totally powerless. Him and his whole network of deceivers. 

35 Bible verses about Satan, As Deceiver (knowing-jesus.com)


Jan 12 at 09:17 PM

In the NT it is clearly stated that Satan (and his network of minions) deceives the whole world. It also talks about a snare he casts (hypnotism?) by which the whole world is held captive to his illusions.

I believe if we want to see the new world coming, we need to ask for help from God to send His very powerful angels to restrict Satan into an abyss from which he can longer manipulate the world.

"1Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pita and a great chain. 2And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while." 

I believe that prophecy is there, so we know what to ask for... If you propagate the lie that Satan is not even a real, we still live under his hypnotism.