Katherine Lampley Welcome!
I would start browsing https://unifyd.tv/catalog . Disclosure and related Disclosure Q&A might be a good place to start.
Be advised that the catalog has very wide range of topics and world views, not necessarily endorsed by TLS or anybody. Personally, I do not agree with some of the stuff posted; but if you learn to navigate your way around, you could find some pretty cool stuff that may help enlarge your horizon.
Have fun!
Commented on My apologies for posting this here, b...
Jan 16 at 03:33 PM
Might want to try Dr. Ardis recommendation about using nicotine patches or nicotine gum. There are multiple videos on the subject posted at UNIFYD TV. The one that got me is this one: The ANTIDOTE (unifyd.tv)
As insane as it may sound, in my case, ear related problems (ringing, reduced hearing, etc.) went away after chewing nicotine gum for about 2-3 days. But I have to continue with it, it's not like you do it once and it goes away for good.
I hope you find it helpful too. I never knew before how debilitating such a seemingly minor thing could be. It's drives you nuts.