
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 28 at 01:02 AM

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" it's all true, more than just of meaningless cliché. We can measure ourselves if we are in the truth or not, by that.

To me the words of the God as recorded in the Bible, taken in humbly and by putting aside our own haughtiness, simply and naturally set one free. Not that you lose your free will to make yourself slave again, if you so choose. But you have the inner strength to resist the temptation. The way there though, might take a little bit of training and spiritual practice. But it's something that is totally available to anybody. We do need a humble attitude when approaching any divine text. Sometimes I am inclined to believe that some of these texts, have purposely placed "landmines" so that the high-nosed are kept away :-)

"Therefore, put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls."

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 27 at 09:32 PM

It is already freely available on less censured platforms like Rumble: THE TIME IS NOW (A 2021 Covid-19 Documentary) (rumble.com)

Dec 24 at 08:59 PM

Jesse Town I suppose by this we mean the duality of our inclinations that are captured in many religious/philosophical frameworks.

In Judaism you have what they call evil vs good inclination. Yetzer Hara vs Yetzer Tov.

In Christianity Paul, the Apostle talks about the "flesh" vs the "spirit".

Jason here talks about the "ego" vs. the "eternal soul".

One paradox of our human existence is that sometimes we have to use the means of the Hara, to advance the Tov... 

But otherwise, I believe our striving should be to be found more on the Tov side. With the admonition from a very wise Hebrew king:

"Be not overly righteous, and do not make yourself too wise. Why should you destroy yourself? Be not overly wicked, neither be a fool Why should you die before your time?"



Dec 24 at 05:35 PM

Jesse Town  Thank YOU!

Dec 24 at 05:28 PM

I put this question directly to Jason too, as based on what he says, TLS already has such technologies. His answer was that the evil controllers would retaliate. 

Dr. Steven Greer said a couple of times that he was approached by a certain group of people to offer him protection. IIRC, in the end he accepted their protection. Was that organization TLS, one wonders... If so, he might already know a thing or two about them.

And Jason has an interview with him here: Dr. Steven Greer: UNCENSORED (unifyd.tv)

A thing that is not well known, and kind of obfuscated, Qur'an came up in an environment that was heavy influenced by Christianity and Judaism. The Founder, at least initially, had very close relations with Christian monks and Jewish people, at least based on what I am reading. He even had Christian monk mentors, at least earlier in his life.

We may ask, which are the God-breathed words? In this neck of the woods, Bible is well known.

Rabbi AA recommends studying Qur'an too. I do not have much familiarity with Qur'an. But I can tell you I have a friend who is a Christian missionary and he confided in me that he gets as much spiritual nourishment from reading certain parts of Qur'an as from reading the Bible...

Well, as a Christian myself, I would say, if they try you to convert to religion, RUN! If they are well intended and in love, want to draw you closer to God, embrace.

If you read Rays of Light, you will see, a clear distinction is to be made between using God-breathed words to create religion OR to feed your soul, the way they are intended, to be used.

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Dec 23 at 06:19 PM

Abbey Skinner

I listened to the interview on Unifyd with Dr. Lana Morrow. Thank you for posting that. I am not familiar with the technology, but it sounds like something great to try to break the initial chain of dependency.

I plan on listening again, but my initial understanding is that there still no replacement for basically solving the root problem. Otherwise in the end is just replacing one dependency with another. Dr. Lana Morrow seems to me quite specific about the need to practice the spiritual disciplines that gets one to the point where the inside is thriving.

But to get there, there may be a need for a while to use helpers, like certain technologies, etc. Whatever works to solve the crisis, before it's too late.

But long-term solution still comes from the inside. We need to recognize we are spirits, not only bodies, and we need to feed the whole of us to become overcomers. 


Dec 23 at 11:22 AM

Abbey Skinner

It is amazing; indeed, each session has its own uniqueness. The buzz you are talking about started for me by this third session, in my smashed thumb and in the gums, just above the teeth, especially on the side where I had some more intense dentistry work done. 

The second session was more on the spiritual side, that's why I said it was surreal. It's also the one where I fell asleep very deeply.