
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 28 at 10:42 PM

What's up with that?

Nov 27 at 08:39 PM

Thank you for taking the time. 

I did see interesting things happen, somewhat like what Jesus did (piercing into the future, hearing into another world, some instant healings, etc. etc.), but nowhere near what he did overall. In the end I still do not manifest myself not even by far what he promised that anybody that believes him would do. And also, I haven't seen anybody in my entire life manifesting that yet.

I am kind of getting tired of so many theories (I am talking in my direction first). I know so much but able to do so little!

I thought TLS here has something to offer, but I don't know, we have to believe all these amazing claims, without much proof. Also, no personal help or direction, just some mysterious docs and posting from time to time. FWIW, Jesus and his apostles did much of it publicly, that's why we have so many witnesses, even from those opposing them.

I am getting so tired of so much talk and so little reality.

Nov 26 at 03:49 PM

It is a necklace sold by EES. It is supposed to capture/diminish radio radiation, according to an interview that Jason made. That is all new to me, can't say one way or the other. IIRC it is usually coupled with some rings that you wear on both hands.


Nov 26 at 01:46 PM

Donald Combs you are welcome brother.

Nov 26 at 10:47 AM

I believe that's where we and humanity is moving. No more need for external Law. There was no Law before the Flood. Is coincidental l they lived so long?

Nov 26 at 09:26 AM

3Caleb6Reeves9 have you tried it with things, shall you say, more of a spiritual nature? Just material side, kind of exhausts me, at this stage in my life. Plus, I know if you work hard at something material, you get it.

I want to see the promises of Jesus manifested.  I don't know of any person yet, that comes even close to what Jesus promised.  Maybe those people are around, but they stay hidden among people and orgs like TLS? If one of you are around, that has come at least close to what Jesus has promised, would you please let's get acquainted? I would love to be in the company of such folks. 

I knew some people closely in the past that made such claims, people resurrected from the dead, etc. but there was hard to find any truthful evidence. It was more like Y says you can talk to X, when talking to X he was sending you to Y, or to books they wrote. I don't know, it felt kind of fishy, in the end nobody seemed to have been a real witness to the claimed events.

Nov 26 at 06:15 AM

Can you explain please?

Nov 25 at 11:39 PM

I should have mentioned, those links I posted were to the English version of Rays of Light and The Pyramid Code.  If you are fluent in other languages here are the pages with what's available: 


Nov 25 at 06:30 PM

Torah is more specifically just the first 5 books of the Old Testament. But Torah is used many times with a larger meaning to include all of Old Testament, and sometimes even for both Old and New Testament. To be precise though, Torah is just the first 5 books of Moses. And Tanakh is the whole of Old Testament.

Tanakh is an acronym that comes from Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim = The Law, The Prophets and the Writings. You see Jesus also using The Law and The Prophets, that's what he is referring to.

See https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/TaNaK for more.


Nov 25 at 05:08 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 https://unifyd.tv/programs/rays-of-light

Gosh, nobody interested in this release, or is the discussion happens somewhere else, and I am not part of it?