
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 23 at 01:24 AM

JCisTheWayTheTruthTheLight when Elisha accompanied his servant Gehazi "in the spirit" without Gehazi knowing it and saw what Gehazi was doing, was that evil mysticism, whitcraft, dark magic? When Elijah traveled "taken by the Spirit" all over the place instantaneously, was that evil?  By what power did he call fire from heaven (although it was probably not the right thing to do, according to Jesus)? When Paul "in the spirit", while his body was somewhere else took part in a meeting with a church that had an issue with a person sinning grievously what "evil, magical" powers did he use? Just because you or many others got access to spiritual powers via a forbidden and evil path, does not mean that those gifts and powers are evil in themselves. 

There is a right path and an evil path. It is true that most people take the easy/evil path. It was offered by Satan to Jesus as well... In the end Jesus will still be the king of the whole earth, but via the right path, not the one without the cross, offered by Satan.

Nov 22 at 11:50 PM

They say the person becomes the animal. In my country you would hear about that in fairytales and scary tales. Never thought before that those fairytales might be based on reality.  People would talk about witches becoming a black cat, etc. So, we have a superstition to spit and make the sign of the cross when you see a black cat, stuff like that.

It's not another entity possessing an animal. That kind is mentioned in the Bible too, and it seems quite common. 


Nov 22 at 10:21 PM

JCisTheWayTheTruthTheLight While we sit on the throne passing sentences left and right, maybe we can still hear that we are to show love and respect to all people.

"Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God."


Nov 22 at 08:42 PM

You also denote that you have not studied/watched much yet, the deception project you talk about is mentioned in many places here, and people are warned not to fall for it.

Nov 22 at 08:39 PM

Usually before the real deal comes the fake one.  You see that all throughout de Bible.  Before the reign of Christ is the short rain of the fake one.  As a fellow believer, I would say study a little, before making off the cuff pronouncements, and see.He might actually be talking about the real deal, not the fake one that precedes it. 

Nov 22 at 05:03 PM

Bob comes out like such an honest and truly caring guy. The new world that comes, is not an end in itself, we will all still be busy figuring out the secrets of the universe. Guys like him will finally be well respected and appreciated in that world.

I want to watch this multiple times myself, there is a lot to unpack. Have you noticed that the propulsion material has to have a certain triangular shape? 

Nov 21 at 03:39 PM

Bee Aye I think you are making a fool of yourself. I would say study before making pronouncements. It only shows how ignorant you are with regards to certain matters. I am saying it as somebody who had a similar reaction when coming into information like this. Rest assured we don't know all there is to know.

"If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.", says somebody who shaped the world we live today in...


Nov 21 at 12:21 PM

Bee Aye Well, first I didn't say do not see a doctor.

Second your reaction is totally understandable.  I mentioned above I was just about to call 911, because I accidentally drank my pee. To keep the post short, I didn't mention, but as soon as I got to a computer, I googled to see if indeed I was safe and no visit to Emergency Room was indeed needed. And I came over Dr. Groups videos, showing that this is something that has been used for millennia for healing. See the one posted here: A Complete Guide to Urine Therapy (unifyd.tv)

To see how much, I can identify with your reaction, see my reaction as well, when a friend of mine told me to drink my urine about 30 years ago:  unifyd.tv/community/posts/another-crazy-thing-first-heard-from

Also note that you have been drinking urine day and night for 9 months, and if you research, without that drinking, mammals would have no digestive system like we have, it is an important part of fetus development.

Nov 21 at 08:04 AM

Soon after I started listening to messages on this platform, reading Rays of Life and The Pyramid Code, I could not stand beer anymore. Even the thought of it repulses me!

I truly hope it has the same effect on you regarding drugs. I pray you get to the point where even just the thought of using addictive substances repulses you deeply. 

Keep on reading and listening.
