
Chicago, IL, United States

Commented on Books

Oct 27 at 05:09 PM

I have read "Rays of Knowledge" by Jason. For me it is am amazing book. Looking forward to read the rest of his books. See here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jason-Shurka/author/B086WX2ST8

(I have to humble myself to be able to "hear" what a "kid" has to tell me through his writings)

Oct 27 at 01:15 AM

Amanda Cossu not sure if you mean that ringing in the ears is a positive experience, in the context you mention. For me is not. I heard of Dr. Bryan Ardis recommendation for using nicotine, either chewing gum or patches. I was like, let me give it a try.

It takes the ringing away. I use chewing gum not patch. It seems silly but in this case silly works for me. Ringing is something that started about over a year after I got Covid. For me, 2mg or more of nicotine chewing gum a day, makes the ringing go away

(that reminds me, I know another person who developed ringing after Covid, to let him know about this solution)


Commented on Souls

Oct 26 at 06:57 PM

Where is this information taken from?

Same for me, stops before end

Oct 26 at 04:30 AM

A lot of Trump most ardent supporters are in jail, some committed suicide, his lawyers go through humiliating, chinese style "struggle sessions", just to avoid jail. Very possible for Trump to be jailed too.

Facts vs. movies

Oct 24 at 09:56 PM

TBH, I agree too :-) And I love "Ray" that he loves us back to be open and he himself. But on the other hand it kind of limits the reach, who you could recommend to, etc. Plus personally I need to put up a "defense", I don't know how to explain it. Once defenses are up, it's all good.

Replied on Jason can you help

Oct 23 at 11:23 PM

There was a time in my life when I could not put $20 together to buy me a 286 computer to use for my college classes. And most of my classmates could not afford a personal computer at all - that was not in US. I was dreaming of getting my hands on certain Computer Science books, which you could not get even from the library, as they would have like only 1 or 2 sets and were made available only to very highly performing students, like those participating in international competitions and such.

So let's expand our horizons a little. This organization is an international organization. And even in US, people could hit a hard time, e.g. health issues, rural areas, etc. where $20 could mean a lot.  There are areas in the world where people live on $1 a day and even less.


Oct 23 at 09:28 PM

Shelly “rays of knowledge” is another book written by Jason Shurka. I am reading it right now, there is a lot of useful information in it. It was written before "Rays of Light" came out. It is based on both "Pyramid Code" and "Rays of Light"  books, but I like that it presents things in a more structured way. For me, “rays of knowledge” helps understanding the other 2 books better.

Oct 23 at 05:29 PM

Angels, is that the same as what we call here ETs?
