November 02, 2023
• Edited (Nov 02, 2023)

>Again, I want to make sure that you understand that this conversation is being recorded, and you're okay with me publishing it after the fact.

Yes, I'm okay with that.

>It's going to be going everywhere. You're okay with that?

That's up to you.

>I understand that already starting in September you were in Israel and the Middle East in general. Did you know about this war before it started?

This is not something I'm going to talk to you about. And even if I knew, you think I'm going to tell you?

>Well, I flew into Israel on October 6, 12 hours before the war. I would assume that if you knew about it, you would probably tell me not to come to the country.

I can't comment on that, but you know me better than that. If I have to warn you, I have to warn everybody else. However, think for yourself. There's a reason why there was a security detail attached to you from the moment you landed in Israel, and you were told about it. Whatever happened afterwards, happened afterwards.

>There's a lot of confusion right now regarding what's really going on with that war, who started it. There are people talking about stand-down orders and who's truly behind this. Can you shed light on what's really going on with this situation? If you have any information regarding your information or information coming from TLS directly?

Well, I do have a lot of information, but most of it I will not share with you because I just can't. I have to be careful with the words I'm choosing, but I will do my best to clarify the situation because you and your viewers, your followers, do not have the real facts. I will tell you what I can. I will start by telling you. Unfortunately, I'm not happy about saying it. This was not a surprise attack. It was only a surprise to the population. It was not a surprise to the leaders.

>If I can ask you to get straight to the point and be as blunt as you can possibly be. Can you share what you know regarding the situation and who's truly behind it?

First of all, as always, we spoke about this before. There is no such a thing as a surprise war. Every war was planned in advance. This was not any different. It's important for you to understand that. That every war is a banker's war. It's being financed by certain individuals, who are the bankers. It's certain individuals and families that we spoke about, that me and you spoke about before. I don't mind mentioning the names if you're okay with it, unless you tell me you want to keep the names out of it. So I will keep the names out of it. But we spoke about this before, and I don't see any reason not to mention the names. But it is a banker's war. Governments are only the vehicle to bring the war into fruition, the way they want it. And no war, before I was born, after I'm going to die, every war is planned in advance, and there are no surprises.

>You're not answering my question. What you said, you've said many times already in other interviews we've done. I'm asking you directly and specifically about this war at hand. What's going on? Don't beat around the bush, just be straight.

You want me to give you specific names? What is it you're looking for?

>As much information as possible regarding what's going on in the world right now, in regards to the Middle East.

You need to understand this is not, and I'm talking about this specific war. This has nothing to do with Palestinians, and Jews, Arabs, and Jews. It's more of the same conflicts as we had before that we spoke about. It's about evil that is trying to take over the world, to control the world, which unfortunately they're already doing. And at the end of the day, my answer to you will be the same. Follow the money, follow the power. The same people who created September 11, the same people who created COVID, the fake pandemic, are the same people who are standing behind this war. And if tomorrow there will be another war with Lebanon, with Hezbollah let's say, it's the same thing.

>Again, you're focusing on a lot of big picture stuff, which I understand. I do the same thing. But right now we need to speak specifically in terms of what perceived countries are behind what, and what agendas are attached to their actions. So I know that you were in Saudi Arabia for a period of time while you were in the Middle East. What were you doing there? You told me that it has something to do with peace treaties and certain people that want it, certain people that don't. Can you speak more in depth again with getting to the point and not beating around the bush regarding what's going on in the Middle East? I'm going to keep asking you until I get a clear answer.

Well, obviously in the limelight right now, it's Israel and the Gaza Strip, which is the Palestinian people. This is the picture that, this is the narrative that's being played on the media. But this is the only vehicle. This is a small part of the whole picture. If you want me to get into more details, I can give you some more details. There are definitely other countries involved. United States, Russia, Iran of course, China, Saudi Arabia, they're all involved.

>You always tell me never to get into politics. I want to make it very clear because we're recording this call. This is not me saying what you're about to say. This is not me entering politics. This is you and me being the messenger of the information that you're sharing.

No, I understand. And I think your approach is very smart. You should stay neutral in this specific case, especially because you happen to be Jewish. You happen to come from an Israeli family. So, no matter what you're going to say, you will always be attacked by both sides. If you say something positive about the Jews, the Arabs will attack you. If you say something positive about the Palestinians, or you show some mercy towards the Palestinian people, which you should as a human being, the Israelis and the Jews will say that you betrayed your people. But again, the Palestinians, the Jews, the Arabs, they don't understand that they're being played. It's divide and conquer.

>Let's get back into the countries. You mentioned Iran, you mentioned Russia, you mentioned Saudi Arabia, you mentioned a few countries. Talk to me regarding what you know, and please be as clear and concise as possible.

Firstly, you need to understand that the main suspects in this saga, in this war, in this chaos, as always, it's money and power. Unfortunately, these are the facts. But the facts are the facts, and I can't change that. This is the main motive behind every war, and this war is not any different. As I said before, this has nothing to do with Jews or Palestinians. Everybody is blaming each other, while the main suspects, the main people, the main families, the main countries who are responsible for this holocaust are not being mentioned anywhere in the media. This whole basically involves Russia, Iran, and somewhat China. Trying to maintain their control of oil and natural gas. Throughout the world, throughout the Middle East, and also Europe. Especially in Russia, which is the main supplier, at least up until the start of the Ukraine war. They were the main supplier of natural gas to Europe. Natural gas supply to Europe means electric, it means industry, it means economy, it means dollars. We're talking trillions of dollars. Russia is doing this for the last 10 to 20 years. They're planning to take over this control. When I say Russia, I mean specifically Mr. Putin himself. And he's doing a very good job, while the United States was busy with the Afghanistan war, Middle East wars, whatever it is. They were building pipelines all over the West. All over the West. From the East to the West. Obviously Iran, which is I believe the number 2 supplier of natural gas in the world. They have the most after Russia. They're number 2 after Russia. They became partners, again, for economic reasons. Again, money. And I'll explain it to you soon, so you'll understand why the United States got involved. Why Saudi Arabia got involved. And why Israelis got stuck in between this together with the Palestinians. In order to achieve their target, they had to create a war. While many Palestinians and many Israelis are going to pay with their lives. But the evil doers, as always, they don't care. They have an agenda. They have a target. Everybody else is expendable.

>Why would Russia and Iran care to start a war specifically in the Middle East? And what are the connections to continuously having or continuing their control over oil in the rest of the world? I'm not understanding the connection.

Okay, so as I said. Russia is the main supplier of natural gas to Europe. That translates to trillions of dollars. The US, although they deny it, blew up about a year or a year and a half ago. Blew up the gas line. The Russian gas line. That goes throughout Europe. Mr. Biden obviously blamed Putin for doing it. Which doesn't make sense. Why would Putin blow up his own pipeline? But again, the media controls the narrative. And people believe whatever they want to believe. And they really don't care. Especially the people in the US because they don't think it's affecting them. But it does affect them because when the price goes up in Europe. The price also goes up in the United States. And obviously you can see it on the pumps. So as I said. Putin built for the last 10 to 20 years pipelines throughout the East and the West. He was doing wonderful. With all the sanctions, he doesn't care. Because he's still making money. Because people are still buying from him. With all the sanctions on Iran. Iran doesn't care. Because they still do business with Russia. Their gas goes to Russia. Which goes to Europe. And Putin pays them for it. And they're making money. The Iranians are not stupid. They are very calculated. They know very well that if the war with Hamas will start. And they will do what they just did. They knew the Israelis would not sit quietly this time. And they are going to take them out completely. And that's exactly what they're doing now. So ask yourself. Why would Iran want to arm Hamas? Because again, you have to understand. You have Sunnis and Shiites. The Iranians are Shiites. The Palestinians are Sunnis. The Hezbollah are Shiites. They are closer to Iran. You have to understand. And the whole world must understand. Hamas would never start a war. Any war. Especially a war at that scale. Without first getting permission and backup from Iran. Iran basically sacrificed the Palestinian people. In order to implement their agenda. Which I will explain in a second. Obviously if Iran would give Hezbollah the green light. To start this war. Instead of Hamas. Israel would be in a much worse place right now. And the damage would be much more severe. But they also knew that Israel would destroy Hezbollah. And they don't want that to happen. Because Hezbollah is their people. Hamas and the Palestinian people in general. Are being treated throughout the Arab world as garbage. As second class citizens. Nobody cares about them. Even Saudi Arabia. Who are closer to the Palestinian people. Because they are so called from the same cult. Of the same religion. And always protect them all. They still don't care. They care more about the Iranians. But at the end of the day. They have to put business and money in front of the Palestinian people. Obviously they will go where the business is. So the Americans created a peace process. Between the Israelis and Saudi Arabia. It wasn't for peace purposes. It was for business purposes. Which I will explain in a second. Which is what is standing behind this peace process. And it goes back to the Abraham Peace Accords. That started with President Trump. It sounds very nice to bring peace upon the region between the Israelis and the Arab world. But again. The peace was created for business purposes. Don't forget that Mr. Trump is a businessman before he is a politician. He is not a politician. He is a businessman. He was ready to bring peace in order to achieve an economical relationship. And an economical partnership. Between the Israelis, the Arab world and eventually Saudi Arabia. If you remember. Trump was trying to bring Saudi Arabia into the picture. And it almost happened. But it did not happen. So they signed it without them. And that they would continue later on. The problem is that although Saudi Arabia always said to the West. That they want peace with the Israelis. We want to make it happen. But it doesn't look good if we don't take care of the Palestinians first. So every time they were getting close to some type of peace deal. Suddenly there is a war with Hamas. And Hamas begins shooting missiles into Israel. And suddenly the king. Or really the prince. Who is running Saudi Arabia right now. He is the real king. He is backing up because it is not politically correct. And it doesn't look good in the Arab world. Because most of the people in Saudi Arabia support the Palestinian people. That's what happened here. This war started because Israel was very close in signing the peace agreement with Saudi Arabia. They even announced before there was any signature. That they will put 20 billion dollars into a train, gas pipeline. That was supposed to go from India into Saudi Arabia. Through the United Arab Emirates as well. Into Israel. And from Israel to Greece. Bibi Netanyahu already signed a deal. A 40 billion dollar deal. In order to put a pipeline from Israel. A gas line, not gasoline. I am talking natural gas. Between Israel and Greece. They were behaving as if the peace accord was already signed. So they were very close. Iran didn't like it. Iran and Saudi Arabia are very bad enemies. The Iranian hate the Saudis more than they hate the Jews. The plan was to create a train track to bring all kinds of merchandise throughout the Middle East. Into Europe. And Israel was a major intersection for all those countries. We are talking about the American Empire. The Russian Empire. China is standing behind everything else on the other side. Because don't forget that China is receiving their oil from Iran. This is why they are protecting Iran this whole time. Pay attention that after what happened. Which is basically a slaughter. Russia and China declared that Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Why would Russia do that? Forget the Chinese for a second. Why would Russia do it? Russia had a very good relationship with Israel. But when it comes to their money. Their pipeline. And when I say their, I mean Mr. Putin. Okay. When it comes to their money and their power. They will sacrifice Israel. The Jewish people. They will sacrifice anybody to achieve their goal. The same thing goes for the Iranians. The Chinese and so on. Pay attention that Saudi Arabia is still not very vocal about what's happening to the Palestinian people. Many Palestinians are being killed right now. They are being bombed as part of the war. Saudi Arabia is not very vocal this time. Because they are hoping to make the peace process. Because the peace process will bring the train tracks. Which underneath it will be a pipeline. The plan is already there. They just have to implement it. In order to implement it. They need peace with Israel. They need the peace in the region. And if they succeed in doing it. They are basically screwing Iran and Russia. Always, always in every war. Find out who are the winners. And who are the losers financially. And if this peace process will happen. And the pipeline will come into fruition. They are going to screw Putin big time. Not to mention the Iranians. Who is their partner.

>So basically what you are saying is that. You are basically implying that. Iran and Russia colluded together to start this war. In order to make sure that this pipeline doesn't happen. Through the peace treaty that is trying to be coming to fruition between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

You have about 90% of the picture correct.

>Then I have a question. If America is supposedly on the side of. Wanting the peace treaty to occur. And basically taking that power and control away from Russia and Iran. Why did America give Iran 6 billion dollars?

Very good question. And if you remember. A day or two after Mr. Biden. The genius. Gave the Iranians 6 billion. Mr. Trump went up and said vocally. In front of the cameras. Israel be prepared for war. Because you are going to be attacked soon. And that is exactly what happened about a month or two months later.

>So again, if what you are saying is that America would benefit. From the peace treaty occurring between Israel and Saudi Arabia. And therefore taking control away from Iran and Russia. Why is America giving 6 billion dollars to Iran?

Because they are trying to be politically correct. And they are still trying to implement their agenda. From 75 years ago. Of divide and conquer. Why would they give Hamas 75 million a week? Before the war. And 100 million a week after the war. Why would they give? I think Biden is now working on giving Israel 40 billion dollars. And pay attention to what happened. Within a few days after the war. The President of the United States is flying into Israel. And even when he came into the country. He even announced it before he came. No president in the history of this country announced the time. And the date that he is coming. For example. When Trump went into Afghanistan. The media knew about it after he showed up. When Bush went to Iraq. The media announced it after he came. The fact that they brought the president in so quickly with 5,000 marines. And now they are sending another 2,000 marines. And suddenly. There are about 8 aircraft carriers in the Middle East. Suddenly everything is available in just a few days. "Oh, we are coming to protect Israel". In order to show force. Because again. They don't want the Iranians to get too involved. They are still afraid from the Iranians. And I will tell you why they are afraid. Number one. If they get the atomic bomb. Which they don't have yet. They don't have nuclear power yet. But they are very close to it. Israel is dismantling the program every time. But they are getting closer and closer to the bomb. But let's assume they won't get the bomb. The Iranians are very smart. They are sitting quietly. And for years they are building a bomb. Called a fuel bomb. Americans don't have it. The Israelis don't have it. It's an Iranian invention. They have enough missiles to destroy Israel. In 12 hours without an atomic bomb. And this scares the Israelis. And it scares the Americans as well. Because they have the power and the capability to hurt Israel. And in turn. To hurt the United States. Biden came to Israel because he wants the train tracks. And he wants the gas line. Because once it is built. The Americans will make money. Big money. This is a scam. This is the biggest scam ever. Even bigger than September 11. Which was also about oil and gas. But we are not going to get to September 11 right now. The information I am giving you today is information that is known. All I am going to do for you. And this conversation is connecting the dots for you. So you see what's going on. A few weeks before the war. Bibi Netanyahu signed an agreement with Greece. For 40 billion dollars. Saudi Arabia is announcing that it is putting 20 billion dollars into the project of the pipeline. This was all announced. But the media doesn't talk about it. They say a few words. And that's it. But if you search what I am telling you about. It's not a secret. You can find out if I am telling you the facts or not. So Iran which is a major enemy for Saudi Arabia. Because again it's Shiites and Sunnis. They do it for two reasons. Number one. They hate them. And they are enemies. Number two. If they will succeed. The Iranians will lose money. The Iranians will lose power in the region. Which means Putin will lose power and a lot of money in the region. Don't forget that the money comes into Russia. It's basically going into a company that is owned and controlled by Putin. He is giving some money to his people. But most of it he robs the country like every dictator does around the world. And he keeps the money for himself. This is the reason why the Ukraine war was started by the Americans. It wasn't started by Putin as they claimed it was. As I told you before. We spoke about it a year ago. And I told you that Putin did not create this war. The Americans used Ukraine to start this war in order to control the Ukraine. Number one. And number two. To get rid of Putin because he is not playing ball with the West. He wants everything for himself. And he does not want to have any part with the West. He doesn't trust the West. He doesn't like the West. So the Ukraine was implemented by the Americans. They forced Putin into a war that he didn't want. In order to take control over the Ukraine. We are talking about a country. But a lot of the gas pipelines that are going to come in. The gas line that I am talking about. A lot of it is going to go through the Ukraine into Europe. Which is the West. Not to mention all the soil that Ukraine has. They have one of the best soils in the world in Ukraine. They have the best vegetation and agriculture. They have extremely good land that most of the world doesn't have. Not to mention the 46 bioweapon labs. That were already implemented many years ago in the Ukraine. That is being guarded by the CIA. And is being operated by the Americans and the CIA. Let's forget about Ukraine for a second. Because this is a different subject. Though. Although it's not because it's all connected. But I need you to understand the history. Or at least the short term history. I came with you for the last 75 years. And gave you all kinds of facts. And things that happened. That were created to maintain control. Control means money. So yes. What I am telling you is basically. This war was created. And people were dying. And will continue to die on both sides. Because somebody is trying to take control of the Middle East. And make money at the same time. And this includes the United States. Let me try to summarize everything. Because I really need to get off this call as soon as possible. This war is all about money and power. Gas and oil. In this particular case. And the parties who are playing this game. Are the Americans, the Russians, the Iranians. And the Chinese. Because they are dependent on the oil from Iran. Saudi Arabia and Israel as well. And the Palestinians. And they use the Palestinians and the Jews as a vehicle. For the elite they are expendable. Same thing in September 11th. 3,000 people died. They are expendable. It is about putting a gas line under the train track. And by the way. They are going to call this train. The peace train. As I said before. India. The United Arab Emirates. Bahrain. Saudi Arabia. Going into Israel. Going into Greece. Going into Europe. And into the West. Trillions and trillions of dollars. This is the biggest project ever done in recent history. In the history of the world. There is a lot at stake here. And everybody wants to be a winner here. So if the Saudis and Israelis will have peace. That means they will win. Because they will have the pipeline and the so called peace train. That means that Iran will lose big time. And then Russia will lose big time. The biggest loser will be Putin. And they cannot let it happen. So they will do everything in their power to destroy the peace process.

>Because the peace process would allow for America to do what they want to do with their pipeline. And Iran and Russia don't want to let that happen. So they create a war to destabilize the Middle East. And make that peace treaty not come to fruition.

Again. Just to clarify. America will be part of it. It's not totally theirs. It's being controlled by the countries I just mentioned before. But don't forget. At the end of the day. The cabal. The elite. Are controlling. It's certain families who we spoke about before. That are standing behind this. They are financing this war. They are financing this whole thing. Hopefully evil will be defeated and world peace will come into play. And people will not need to die needlessly the way it's being done now. It's a crime. It's a crime against humanity. It's the same thing as before. Just now. It's a really big pothole. This could lead to World War 3. It's a war about awareness. But now it's becoming physical. Physical meaning there will be war all over. And if you think that you as an American sitting here in the United States will not be impacted. Will not be affected. You are very wrong. Don't be surprised if you're going to have another September 11. In the next 12 months. Maybe it won't be in New York this time. Maybe they will do it in a Republican state like Florida. Or maybe Texas. Or maybe Arizona. I don't know. But don't be surprised if it will happen. And this time it's not going to be with so called planes or guns. It's going to be chemical warfare. Which is much easier, deadlier, and more effective. And if it will happen. I'm telling you in advance. That it's not a surprise. The same way September 11 was not a surprise. It was a surprise for the population. And the people. Not for the leaders. I don't know if you know but there are already a few aircraft carriers in the Middle East. In the Persian Gulf. And the Suez Canal. They're already there. The Chinese already brought their own into the Suez Canal. And into the Middle East. The Chinese and the Iranians. Already have their own aircraft carriers and ships or whatever stationed already around Panama. Why would they get here unless they wanted to hit the United States? They're already here. They're down in Cuba. But they're in the Panama Canal. And they don't have to travel here to hit you. It could be done remotely. We already know that. They have the power. Maybe Iran doesn't have nuclear. But China does. Russia does. And they have enough to destroy the entire world. I'm hoping that their fear from each other will stop them from using nuclear. However. All of them have chemical warfare. Especially the Iranians. They have fuel missiles. Fuel missiles by the way. I didn't mention before. I just said the name fuel missiles. Means it's a missile. That when dropped on a building will not explode. But will engulf the building in flames. And will burn the building with everyone in it within five minutes. They can burn entire cities in a matter of minutes. They can burn down half of Israel within half a day or less. They have it. The Israelis know they have it. The Americans know they have it. The Iranians are the only ones who have it. Maybe Russia too. We don't know. And that's the information. I'm giving you absolutely true and accurate information. For the Americans to win. Or the Israelis to win. They need to create a surprise attack using nuclear. Ahead of time. To stop Hezbollah and the Iranians from doing that. Don't forget that the Iranians have bases in Yemen. And they already sent over 20 missiles into Israel. That the Americans were able to intercept. They already used it. So they have the power to do this. They can do it all over. Don't forget about. If they really wanted to attack Israel. They have a big Arab population. Israeli Arabs living inside Israel. And they have a lot of illegal ammunition with them. Over 400 million dollars of rifles. Unfortunately, Israel has a weak government. A weak army. Hamas just proved it. It's hard for the Americans and the Israelis. Especially the government and the Israeli army. The IDF. To admit that they are weak. But the proof is the proof. You're talking about a few thousand uneducated people. Who were able to penetrate a country. Which is supposed to have the strongest army. With the best intelligence ever. Does it make sense to you? But they did it. They did it because somebody allowed it to happen. And this someone is from the inside. It means someone on the Israeli side made it happen. Now I'm not trying to tell you that Bibi is involved. I don't know. But somebody did it from the inside. That means only somebody with enough power and knowledge. Was involved here. And that's why I'm going back to the cabal. I'm going back to the elite. Don't forget. The Rothschild family. They built Israel. They bought the land in Israel. They built the Israeli parliament. They built the Israeli supreme court. They are controlling Israel. I'm not going to go back now 50 or 100 years and tell you the history. Some of it you know. Some of it you don't know. But it's all connected. Right now it's the Palestinians against the Israelis. And the Jews in general. And they all forget. That if you go to the basics. To the original days. They are the same people. They just found a way to separate them. I'm a Muslim. You are a Jew. The other is a Christian. And they are all killing each other. In the name of God. Now. Anti-Semitism. Is on the rise because of what's happening right now in Gaza. Jews are being attacked all over the place. And it's only going to get worse. Unless someone is going to rise up. That's either going to stop it. Or find a way to get rid of the elite. And stop it on the spiritual side of things. Because that's the only way we're going to win this war. But in a war. Physical like we have now. People are going to die on both sides. People are going to suffer on both sides. And the Americans who sit in the United States. Some of them support the Israelis. Some of them don't. Some of them support the Palestinians. Whatever. They don't understand that if this war will continue. And somebody will not be able to stop this. Americans will suffer a lot. China is sitting back waiting for everybody to kill each other. And they will take control. And China will be the next world empire. As I told you many times before. This is the beginning of the end. Of the American empire. Unless people are going to wake up. We need to wake up. Again. I admire you for what you're doing. You have a lot of guts to come out with information. And education. And you're trying to change awareness. It's a big part of winning this war. Unfortunately now. It's all about the physical part of the war. I hope that the information I gave you right now. And the dots I was trying to connect will help you understand better. What the real war is about. And what the real agenda is behind this war.

>So basically this war has nothing to do with Jews, Israelis, or Palestinians and Arabs. They're being used as you said as a vehicle. To fulfill a certain agenda having to do with money, control, and power. Specifically when it comes to gas and oil around the world. And the countries that are involved on one side so called. Are Iran and Russia. Another side is America and a bunch of other countries. That are trying to get this pipeline to occur that they don't want to. Am I getting that right big picture?

Yes except you failed to mention China on the Iranian side as well. Which is a big and powerful country involved in this matter as well. Because they have their own agendas. And reasons to be in this war. Which is again oil. Unfortunately again you're right. As you said it's about money and power. I got to really end this call. I'm sorry I have to run. I have things to do. I'll be in touch with you when I can.