
Chicago, IL, United States

Oct 22 at 01:35 AM

I think having the source text put into an AI system, it could be done in no time, automatically. Problem right now is that text is protected, can't do even a Copy/Paste.

Or could we have a version where select/copy is permitted, at least? (I know I could put it in some pdf viewers that don't obey those restrictions, but don't want to go that route)

Oct 20 at 08:27 PM

I think Rabbi AA shows "Ray" a very down to earth and simple "secret", over and over again. One that it seems even "Ray" cannot hear - at least at that point in time.  And based on the replies here, it seems most people can't too. Or probably none of us posting replies have actually read the book, we are too high and elevated for such humble and meager endeavors as reading a book?

Commented on Links to "Ray"'s books

Oct 19 at 08:17 PM

On phones some of these links might not show up. Pages where these links are from:

Rays of Light | Jason Shurka

The Pyramid Code | Jason Shurka


Oct 18 at 01:33 AM

frostbit85 Microsoft Word - ROL Full English Blackout.docx (jasonshurka.com) Printed in US 2014. I have read the whole book (what was published), have you?

Oct 18 at 01:12 AM

Did you see all of this in Rays of Light? I've seen pretty much none of it. Also Rays of Light was written almost a decade before C19 vax

Replied on Saints ressurected

Oct 16 at 06:24 PM

Kayla Liebeck normally you would not find me within miles of sites like this one :-) .  But I did went through some unbelievable experiences that jibe with some of what "Ray" talks about and the ideas exposed in "Rays of Light". And for which I can't seem to find a framework in the limited, simplistic and rationalistic world view normally found within my Evangelical circles.  I feel closer to Rabi AA in how he views things (at least as espoused in Rays of Light) than say "Ray" or others around here.

I am started on Pyramid Code and honestly to me it seems a little bit more than I can chew. Are we supposed to believe all of those incarnations and memories  of "Ray" are facts? Or more like a story through which some profound truths are conveyed.  For the time being that's how I am taking it.

Replied on Saints ressurected

Oct 16 at 06:09 PM

Kayla Liebeck I am what you would call an Evangelical Christian in US.  I always hated labels, but yeah that's where my affiliation is. So I totally agree with you on celibacy and priests. In the country where I originally come from Catholic priests are actually allowed to marry. A good number of Orthodox priests joined Catholic church and that was one of the conditions for joining, to be allowed to marry. Some still decide on their own volition to stays celibate, but many do marry.  I believe that is how things should be, if you want to stay celibate fine, but do not impose it as a rule on all the priests.


Replied on Saints ressurected

Oct 16 at 12:45 PM

Kayla Liebeck another one:

1 John 4:18: 1 John 4:18 ESV - There is no fear in love, but perfect - Bible Gateway 

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."

"Ray" indicates (if I got him right) that Rabbi AA continuously lives in such a state of burning Love.  And surprisingly such a state allows one to live extended live spans, like hundreds (possibly even thousands) of years.

The author of the above text was told by Jesus that he will remain until He comes back. Is John, the apostle of LOVE, still around, did he never died? Could he be thousands of years old now, and still alive?

Commented on Saints ressurected

Oct 15 at 08:46 PM

One day I should maybe put a compilation of "strange" texts from the Bible that are almost never touched upon. Preachers/book writes/etc. simply ignore those texts. As such the majority of people do not even know those peculiar texts even exist.

Hidden in plain sight.