
Chicago, IL, United States


Oct 26 at 03:09 PM

If you feel free to share, what does Unifyd TV means to you?

E.g. how it has impacted your life, if you were to lose access for some reason, how would that affect you? Feel free to post in comments, if desired to.


Oct 26 at 03:06 PM

I did not realize that there are extra desirable perks with the annual membership.  E.g. access to a VIP group like current one, but not publicly available, Access to Exclusive Live Events & Content, etc.

So, I upgraded my membership from monthly to annual one.  The difference I had to pay was: 111.91. Is that such a beautiful number?

I encourage us to give the annual membership a go.


Oct 22 at 06:33 PM

I could connect with Rabbi AA in Rays of Light, and also with many of the experiences "Ray" went through (that is the reason I am still here; as, what one would call, a fundamentalist Christian. Although I do hate labels, we and life are way more than what labels could ever convey).

But WRT Pyramid Code, it all seems so strange and farfetched, like complete fairy tales to me. Jason, or others, what am I missing?


Oct 22 at 06:13 PM

Jason, could you please clarify? Rabbi AA is 424 in 2014, and then when you talk with him directly in 2020, he is still 424.  Doesn't add up logically, or is there something else we need to understand from this?


Oct 22 at 05:51 PM

In the Bible usually children go after the father, when they say "some was son of". E.g. David son of Jesse

Jesus it is called at times "son of Mary" in some context, but also "son of Joseph" in other.

In Pyramid code we have "Moshe son of Rivka" משה בן רבקה , I find it curious. (Rivka = Rebekah)


Oct 22 at 10:29 AM

"And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys."

One can curse once and people die, others can curse all day long and it is not more than a nuisance, like the barking of an innoxious, noisy dog.

משה בן רבקה, your foul language has a negative impact, more than you seem to realize. And that has been noticed before reading what Rabbi AA has to say on the same subject in Rays of Light...



Oct 22 at 01:28 AM

Would it be possible to have Hebrew Rays of Light with vocalization, pretty please?



Oct 20 at 10:35 PM

I looked in the Hebrew text of Rays of Light. In Hebrew it says: .תלמד, תדע or with vowels תִּלְמַד, תֵּדַע (Tilmad, Tedah)

Now from the root of Tilmad you get other words like Talmud, Talmidim (disciples). It seems to me "Tilmad" has a little deeper meaning than English "Learn", more like learn the way you would do in a Yeshiva. Get discipled by the text at hand, get yourself immersed in it, by spending time in the text, day and night. Let it penetrate you, let it "brainwash" you, until it eliminates any other competing understandings, or world-views.

My knowledge of Hebrew/Aramaic is pretty limited at this stage, unfortunately. But I can at least read a text, take the words and put them in dictionaries and such. Those with deeper knowledge of Hebrew, please feel to add new insights.

But I believe when Rabbi AA says "Learn, and you shall know" he definitely implies more than a casual study of the text, but rather dwell on it day and night.


Oct 20 at 08:11 PM

Question for "Ray" or Jason or somebody from TLS or anybody you really know the answer.
(Kindly please no spammy and unrelated replies).

In Pyramid Code "Ray" refers to Rabi AA in the past, saying he left for Pyramid Star on January 28th, 2014, at the age of 424 years. It mentions that place, as a final destination for elevated human beings, who no longer need to take on human form.

Yet in recent interviews, which are obviously after June 9th, 2018, when Jason met Ray for the first time, both "Ray" and Jason talk about Rabbi AA, as somebody who is still on the earth, managing a Yeshiva in Jerusalem, still interacting with people, etc. Is he still an alive human being on the earth, or somebody who has reached a final destination in the Pyramid Star?

Could you please clarify?


Oct 20 at 02:52 PM

Question for Ray or somebody from TLS: In Rays of Light there is a short reference to "Land of Darkness", but no detail given. Could we, please, get more info about what that is? Is it a similar to the concept of Hell in Christianity or other Abrahamic religions? What beings dwell there?