
Chicago, IL, United States


Oct 20 at 02:43 PM

Question for Ray: Is there a limit to how many times one can reincarnate? If that limit is reached and the person is still doing evil, what happens to them? Do they go to the Land of the Darkness?

Note: I personally don't find any Biblical support for incarnation, but I am open to correction, if needed.


Oct 20 at 02:39 PM

Question for Ray: Is he aware that Rav Isaac Luria claimed the same ability as Ray, to look into somebody's eyes and see their "history"?


Oct 19 at 08:15 PM


Oct 17 at 06:45 PM

In Rays of Light, on almost every page, Rabbi AA "shouts" his "secret" for how he got to the same levels of spirituality like the prophets of the Bible with their unbelievable experiences, misunderstand, opposition and all. 

Anybody else noticed what that non-secret "secret" is?



Oct 15 at 08:54 PM

What is the purpose of these forums? What I was hoping to find out was that people could post questions about the material at hand, like Pyramid Code or Rays of Light and related spiritual text like Torah and other sacred texts and people in the "known" with experience like TLS/"Ray" would provide guidance and illumination. 

Or is it just a one-way communication, a place to advertise new movies/documentaries and that's it?

Is there another place where one could have some kind of real interaction about the material read, like Pyramid Code or Rays of Light?



Oct 12 at 11:38 PM

At Jesus' resurrection, a number of saints were resurrected with him.  This momentous event passes almost unnoticed.
Any thoughts here, what happened to those people? Did they die again? Are they still around somewhere?



Oct 12 at 11:29 PM

Is Rabbi Eliezer Alfrandi the same as Solomon Eliezer Alfandari (Solomon Eliezer Alfandari - Wikipedia)