
Chicago, IL, United States


Nov 08 at 11:04 PM

ה He letter - numeric value 5

ה is an easy consonant to pronounce for English and European languages speakers. It is pronounced exactly as the English H in words like Hallelujah. Hallelujah (הללויה) is a Hebrew word that means "praise Yah".

Nov 08 at 01:39 AM


Nov 08 at 01:34 AM

ג Gimel - gematria value 3

ג is another consonant that is part of  begadkephat consonants. These are consonants that may have 2 phonetic values, both of which are represented by the same alphabet symbol though.

In its regular pronunciation it sounds exactly like G in Garden.

In Modern Hebrew ג is always pronounced as G.

But in Aramaic it has 2 phonetic values: G, and depending on the surrounding word context it may also be pronounced as described here (Voiced velar fricative - Wikipedia)

If you always pronounce it as G, you will be understood for sure, in both Modern Hebrew and Aramaic. 

ג is an easy consonant to master, as its pronunciation is exactly like G in many contemporary languages.

Commented on I had enough

Nov 08 at 12:44 AM

A sensible thing to do, usually, is to quit once you have something else to go to. In my native language we have a proverb; "Do not let the bird in your hand fly in exchange for the one on the fence".

But it sounds like the decision has already been made.  Life is so amazing; we never know what great surprises lie ahead of us.  We can never limit life to rules and... proverbs :-)

God speeds!


Nov 06 at 11:44 PM

Does anybody find these posts of any use? I believe I can bring to the table insights, gathered from various grammar books and a little knowledge of Modern Hebrew/Modern Aramaic, in a concise form that allows one to quickly and easily come up to speeds with the Hebrew/Aramaic alphabet and pronunciation. 

For example, I am hoping that lesson on alef should demystify that amazing consonant.  See unifyd.tv/community/posts/aleph

Nov 06 at 11:33 PM

Second AlefBet lesson posted. Letter Bet:



Nov 06 at 11:28 PM

 ב - Bet/Vet, gematria 2

ב is one of the so called Begadkephat letters. These are a set of 6 consonants, which in Hebrew/Aramaic may have a secondary pronunciation.

Basically, the same letter has 2 phonetic values. In the case of ב, it is normally vocalized as English/Latin B, but then depending by the context inside the word, it could be pronounced also as the English/Latin V.

Hence one could see Abraham also written as Avraham. Because in Hebrew (and Aramaic) in such context as that of Abraham, the B is pronounced as V.

As for when B is pronounced as V do not worry too much, when the audio will be married to the text, as we plan to do later, it will come naturally, and we will know when ב is pronounced as B or when as V.

Apart from the secondary pronunciation, depending on the word context,  ב is an easy letter to pronounce, for an English or Romance language speaker.

The Gematria value for  ב is 2.


Nov 06 at 01:24 AM

First Alephbet lesson posted here: https://unifyd.tv/community/posts/aleph