
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

Jan 31 at 06:05 PM

I’m from Wiarton Ontario Canada. Ground Hog day is coming soon February 2nd. We have a unified network that has opened in a little town near by Shallowlake Ontario. I have not been in since it has become part of the Unified network!


I completely agree with you Cheryl! ♥️💯🙏

Dec 29 at 02:41 PM

I’m Bruce Peninaula!


Dec 29 at 02:41 PM

Hi neighbour


Dec 16 at 12:40 PM

Ontario Canada 🇨🇦 

Dec 16 at 02:40 AM

Abbey Skinner I e done hyperberic when I had a wound that wouldn’t heal. I’ve never done ozone, have you done that before?

I would love to talk with her sounds similar to my situation from a vaccine I was given at my work. I think I was a ginnipig!


Dec 14 at 11:16 AM

Just had to fix my words from my last post I wrote it wrong. Sorry

Dec 14 at 11:11 AM

Abbey Skinner I have been to the EESyatem 2 times for 2 hours each time. Ended up with a rash similar to shingles but it was not painful just super itchy. CN I ask what your disbility was from. I have been diagnosed in Ontario with MS but I feel it’s actually lymes disease. I treated my self with a pic-line and antibiotics for 2 years and was able to get ride of a lot of my symptoms. I’m actually an RN, but havnt worked for 16 years.