
Replied on First Contact

Oct 28 at 08:47 AM

That’s beautiful that as you are on your own journey of healing, you are doing your part to help those around you. Blessings 🙏🏼


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Oct 27 at 03:40 PM

He states Einstein did not want the making of this bomb. Not that he created it.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Oct 25 at 08:56 PM

Adam, personally, I believe Jesus came down here to show us how to live our lives as an example himself. I don’t think he wants to be worshipped. I don’t think he cares for that. I genuinely feel that he came here to show us the way through Love and compassion. He himself even went against the current religious priests at that time. That is why they did not like him because he showed the masses that we DON’T need religion to do miracles. We have it all within us because we are born this way. Also, the Bible has been rewritten COUNTLESS times. There are many things in the Bible that are encrypted and people take literal when it’s not meant to be. I do love Jesus and hope to meet him face to face one day. Blessings.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Oct 25 at 08:46 PM

Beautiful message Lana.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Oct 25 at 08:45 PM

Christopher, I don’t know you but man when I saw your comment I just felt so connected to it. I can relate so much. I too live in Florida, Central FL to be exact and man…I feel trapped here. The education, jobs and housing SUCK SO BAD. Idk how people do it and I hurt when I think about single parents. My partner suffered injuries and was out of work for a while but Florida denied them permanent disability even though the proof was there. I wish I lived in a eco village with a caring community and left this place. It’s just a rats race just trying to survive. Anyway, hope you are in a better place today. If not financially, at least Spiritually. You have a purpose even though you may think you don’t. One day at a time my friend. Blessings to you.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Oct 25 at 08:34 PM

Definitely believe that also.