GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 20 at 02:01 PM

P.I.M [riddle stick ron]😁 now that one I get and I probably watch about an hour of TikTok a day at the most but usually it's only like 10 to 15 minutes and I go on the platform and search one topic and get my answers and then I tap out.. I am aware enough to know whenever my mind gets captivated and starts being controlled by the algorithm and once I see that 20 minutes has gone by and my only thought has been on TikTok I immediately get off.. but it definitely captivates you no matter who you are or what your beliefs are.. it's basically mind control and mind reading at the same time which is a very dangerous combination.. they can definitely use that platform to control the world and directed in any way shape or form they wanted to although they say they are not we all know that's bullshit.. I don't think all of TikTok is bad but the way they captivate and basically give people a high off of their platform is utterly disgusting and can and will ruin a person especially kids.

Apr 20 at 11:54 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 some believe that everything is preordained and basically a scripted agreement that your soul makes with a life in a simulation type reality through your physical body because they try to explain to you that the 3D brain is what process is 3D reality but the brain just downloads it and organizes it while the spirit and soul is the one that experiences and observes.

Apr 20 at 11:52 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 the forever flame.. never goes out no matter how much you suffocate it from air and no matter how much you douse it with antif flamatory substances we will not go out!


Apr 20 at 11:51 AM

Shirlina Coleman they're definitely is.. and 4D and 5D along with the Astro plane there are entities monsters, demons whatever you want to call them and our 3D reality has been lifted off of us as we are moving into mid for the upper 4D people are starting to see these monsters hints the demon face syndrome amongst many other people seeing things different like clouds or seeing spirits and creatures.. You can literally research all this and find video after video and story after story of people seeing crazy things in the most recent years so basically pretty much everything that was fairy tale or fantasy is actually a reality.. as we move into 5D things are going to get very trippy.

Apr 20 at 11:48 AM

Andrea Anguish Bowman Kentucky fried chicken??

Apr 20 at 11:47 AM

I actually think that age is a spell that has been casted upon humanity and that we are not really even supposed to die or if we do die it is supposed to be when we choose to and not whenever we have been tricked to believe that we do. I seen a study where they took like five elderly people and they were like '70s and '80s and took them to a closed off community where they surrounded them with media, furniture and basically an exact replica of their younger adulthood days and within a couple months most of all of their health problems dispersed and even physically started looking younger so it's all about perception and a mindset that we have been forced, deceptionalized, and manipulated to believe.. along with all of the health deteriorating cancerous products the cabal and the elites put out to control the population and create misery and sickness and disease.


Apr 20 at 11:44 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 yeah I've done a lot of research on crystals as well and I did and still do have a crystal but I think it is tied to the whole Black magic entity latching on to my soul thing because whenever I wear it it's like I'm negative intensified and my intuition tells me something's not right about it although it was a gift from a spiritual acquaintance and I believe started out good but something isn't right about the crystal now so I cease to wear it. Thinking about getting a new one after I unlatch these entities


Apr 20 at 02:58 AM

I think when you're talking about politics it is a dirty and very confusing situation because some of these people in power will do or agree to certain things in order to gain certain things for advantages with certain people that are in power So the truth is always somewhere in the middle I believe so I don't really disagree with David nor do I agree with David but rather feel like the only way we can overcome this bigotry and separation, which was created by the psychopaths, Republicans and Democrats, and come together as a civilization and a family and take back our reality and our flat earth. How can a handful of people control 8 billion? It's literally like 1% versus 99%.. we have to start thinking for ourselves and actually taking action and not just talking about it.. but they will do anything for a vote or for certain support..


Apr 20 at 02:34 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 really need to know how to detach from these entities and get my energy back.. I'm tired of battling and having a war with these things every single day all day and even in my dreams so if you can tell me how to detach with a 100% sincerity rate I would be obliged and in debt to you.. please help!


Apr 20 at 02:33 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 blankets because my intuition told me something wasn't right, my higher self told me something was really wrong, but anyways I double wrap my feet in two blankets and two pairs of socks and it was winter time and I slept with the window cracked with a fan so it was probably a good 50 to 60° in my room and there was absolutely no way that I was so hot to take off the blankets and take off my socks but for some reason, I have no idea why, I woke up in the middle of the night and took off the blankets in the socks and woke up to have this other cut on my right heel and ever since then it has been draining me and bringing me nothing but negativity and blocking my manifestations and like I said, fucking with my meditations and divine connection to source in my spirit guides.. it's made it to where I don't want to slip into that hyperfocus because I'm connecting to its energy and powers instead of the positive Divine loving and light powers that I am seeking so I