GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 19 at 09:07 PM

UNIFYD TV revolving around this subject so maybe there is some resentment against the opposition to the two different theories and I haven't realized that I am coming off aggressive or negative or rude but if I am I sincerely apologize and will try to be more cordial and respectful with my information sharing. Sorry.. ❤️💫


Apr 19 at 09:06 PM

UNIFYD TV yeah I guess it comes out differently in words and I actually had somebody I talk to earlier on the phone and I sent them a couple text messages and they perceived my messages to be I guess you could say negative or maybe with a little more attitude but when we talked on the phone I said the exact same thing and basically the exact same words and their interpretation was completely different So maybe I'm choosing the wrong words or the wrong sequences of words but I do not mean any harm and I'm not trying to piss anybody off or anything like that.. I guess, more or less, no matter how you share this information people get upset.. So, I will take into account that maybe I could choose my words better but it is an emotional topic to be quite frank and I have used it to empower myself and I never said people weren't awake as I have only illustrated that there are levels to being awake.. I guess I have gotten a lot of aggressive feedback to my shares on different platforms


Apr 19 at 09:03 PM

UNIFYD TV hell yeah!!! I've listened to hours and hours and hours of podcasts on Spotify with David on them and by the way I've been meaning to ask you guys why you do not have a podcast uploaded to Spotify? You guys could put all of your interviews with Ray on Spotify because in reality you don't really need to see the video of Jason and Ray's conversation because it's just a conversation so that could be easily brought into a podcast episodes along with all the other interviews that he's done with other people as well or just new material that you could start uploading to Spotify and other podcast platforms.. That's all I do is listen to podcasts for my 12 to 14 hour shifts a day so that would be really cool to be able to maybe listen to the pyramid code or some interviews with Jason and Ray and other featured Unifyd characters..


Apr 19 at 09:01 PM

UNIFYD TV so it's already been uploaded to the platform?? I'd like to indulge in a little David Icke this evening!! What's it called?

Apr 19 at 08:59 PM

Web of life.. we are connected and plugged into the software and we're running on programs that can't be physically seen from our current perception but it's there.. to every atom to every particle.. we are connected.. me to you and you to me.. that is how telepathy works btw..


Apr 19 at 08:40 PM

Milan Jus ❤️ 💫

Apr 19 at 08:39 PM

Charles Godwin John Rockefeller took over our school systems in the 1950s and '60s and they have slowly been trying to take God out of the picture the entire time and to eliminate individualization and critical thinking as well as creative thinking but rather create factory workers or just workers in general but think of the first time you saw a globe.. was it in your preschool or your kindergarten classroom? They created a mastermind system to deceive the masses in order to dumb us down from our true interdivinity and connection to God or source.. they want us to believe in basically nothing and to be confused our entire lives.. trust me when I say, I've done my research and it's not bullshit. I can go all day on this subject but I'm not here to convince anybody because it's your reality and your experience So if you're comfortable believing the lies and living in a deceptionalized weaponized world then so be it.. but I have been set free and now embrace my true inner divinity.

Apr 19 at 08:37 PM

Charles Godwin have you actually done research on the flat Earth theory versus the globe theory? Or have you just went off of what you were taught from kindergarten about a globe and space and the universe and the nine planets that supposedly float around as well as our 93 million mile away son..? Because I promise you if you do your research on the other side you will come to 100% different conclusions.. that is what indoctrination in brainwash does.. it creates a mindset where the only truth can be the truth that you have been brainwashed to believe and anything other than that is bullshit, crazy or downright wrong. Basically the indoctrination brainwashing is working on you very well.. it worked on me for a very long time and even whenever I thought I came out of it I was still in it but now I am completely out of it.. I've been set free. Do your research and free yourself brother. It's not bullshit, but rather reality. 💯 🗺️ ❤️

Apr 19 at 08:17 PM

PowellJam11 basically we are programs that have been created or simulated in order to chart back information to the monitor and the hard drive by, yes our bodies are physical and what we see here and smell is all physical but there is a spiritual aspect of ourselves which is the observer or the point of view and experiencer but yes you are absolutely right our bodies are temporary shells that will diminish and eventually rot as our spirit will live forever and continue to be energy because energy never dies but rather transfers forms whether that be into another 3D physical human shell or to remain in the astral plane.. but this reality was created for us to bring back information to the monitor and hard drive.. this was all made precisely for us..


Apr 19 at 08:14 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 I'm beginning to come to the same conclusion.. have you seen the videos of his nanny coming out talking about how they had to leave Australia because he was doing very dark things and she even seen him open up a portal in his room whenever he was a young boy and she said something came out of that portal and people have also said that he is associated with the Antichrist not that he is the Antichrist but that he has a part to play in evil.. I mean the dude is trying to put chips inside your brain lol how in the fuck could that be a good positive thing? And how in the fuck could you support something like that? I guess you would have to be out of your mind.. or I guess in your mind, with the chip..