GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 09 at 02:32 PM

mc UNIFYD TV yeah I wish we had a DM option on this platform.. we've been requesting ir for over 6 months now and they said they were bringing it up within there circle but we still haven't seen any results and I don't EVER check my email so it would be pointless to email you and not because I don't want to but because I don't keep up with emails or check then unless I know I have an important email I need to respond to or read. Maybe one day UNIFYD TV will have a direct messaging option.. or maybe they could create a spin off platform directly parallel to this one.. like a new app completely that allows ypu to message or a messaging option on this one.. idk.. if I knew how to do all that stuff and had the money to do so I would have already been on this..


Apr 09 at 02:28 PM

mcS the Draconian reptilians are the only negative race that I have heard about but literally every other race besides that race doesn't understand hate or anger or violence.. like it's not in their vocabulary and it's not in their reality. And to be honest it's not even in humans realities either but the reptilians have created a system or rather a matrix that instills all of these negative qualities into our realities and experiences but yes they are all good besides the reptilians.. and not all the reptilians are bad.. just most of them and a lot of them.

Replied on So true.

Apr 09 at 02:26 PM

MELISSA MANZELLA about you.. your opinion and your thoughts and intentions and beliefs are the only thing that matter in your Awakening and in your life.. it is human to care what people think about you or to care about what someone's opinion is about you but we have to disregard that negative quality about ourselves and just focus on what we believe, what we feel, what we hear what we see about ourselves.


Replied on So true.

Apr 09 at 02:25 PM

MELISSA MANZELLA what you are experiencing is that you are already a psychic impact so you feel read and understand energetic qualities of everything around you along with our third dimensional and third density reality moving into fourth so that is making you hyper awake and Hyper aware.. I have to stay away from large groups of people because I can hear people's thoughts and energy all at once and I get really overwhelmed and start to go into a psychosis type reality and that is something that I am working on because before my Awakening I was able to be around thousands of people with no problem but now that I am hyper aware I can feel and read everybody's intentions and thoughts so it is overwhelming and yeah people are going to judge you but that is why you stay with the like-minded people that do like-minded things which are on this platform amongst many other groups that connect with Spiritual Awakening movement but you're in the right place and who cares what people think about


Apr 09 at 02:21 PM

Casper Gray yeah it's been about a year for me too bro. Like I told her there really is no specific way to go or you can't really tell somebody the answer to that because it is a personal journey and a personal experience that the person's experiencing this spiritual awakening has to decide for themselves.. but I have found that meditation sincerity to any of the questions or what route I should take next.. super mindfulness connects to your higher self which is directly connected to god, the divine, source and the universe. But you are the only person that can answer that question.. but yeah there is an unlimited amount of topics.. but it's a personal journey. As well as a companionship Journey but for your specific Awakening it is a personal journey.


Apr 09 at 02:20 PM

Basically there is no guidelines to your own personal awakening and that is a good thing because it's a journey and not a destination. Just in the last 9 months of my Awakening I have went from aliens, Flat Earth series, the universe, science, hinduism, buddhism, christianity, the bible, meditation, energy and frequency as well as vibrations, positive versus negative, amongst many many other topics so yeah you are correct there is an infinite amount of information out there but I strongly advise you to start meditating on a daily basis.. that is how you figure out what you need to do next and which way you should go.. the meditation and super mindfulness will connect to your higher self which will guide you to your next step or next phase of your awakening.


Apr 09 at 02:16 PM

I'm doing good man.. how are you?

Apr 09 at 02:15 PM

So you never get mad?? Or angery?? Like ever!?!? You never feel down or depressed?? Like ever?? You never have anxiety?? Like ever!?! If not I need to start ha ging and talking to you !! Lol..


Apr 09 at 02:14 PM

Is it possible to never step back into lower dimensional realities?? I guess monks and other super spirtual people are higher frequntial beings and they stay in the higher realities so it's definitely possible but from what we've been fed and all the misleading information along with technology has thrown me and us off course. I won't lie, I also bounce around.. meditation and minfullness is the key to staying within higher realities.

Apr 09 at 02:12 PM

Should be taught to us in school rather than indoctrinating us I to believe false and deceiving history and misleading information. I recently just learned that our math is wrong and 1Γ—1 is actually 2 and that changes everything. We have been lied to about numbers amongst many other things but we are wakimg up and people are learning the truth of our reality and our true human orgins.
